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2023年11月20日 国际新闻 ⁄ 共 3729字 ⁄ 字号 报告:习近平访旧金山召开APEC会议期间中国共产党镇压抗议人士已关闭评论


日期: 2023年11月13日

地点: 旧金山







  1. 加强安全措施: 中国驻旧金山总领事馆和APEC会议场所周边的安保措施显著加强,大量警力部署,确保会议期间的秩序。
  2. 信息控制: 中国政府通过各种渠道,试图控制和限制国内媒体对抗议活动的报道。中国境内的社交媒体平台上,对相关内容的搜索和讨论被严格审查和删除。
  3. 外交施压: 中国政府通过外交途径,向美国政府施加压力,要求其限制抗议活动,确保会议顺利进行。






Report: Chinese Communist Party Suppresses Protesters During Xi Jinping's Visit to San Francisco for the APEC Meeting

Date: November 13, 2023

Location: San Francisco


On November 13, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited San Francisco to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting. This marked the first visit by a Chinese state leader to the West Coast of the United States in recent years, aimed at strengthening economic cooperation and exchanges between China and the Asia-Pacific region. The meeting garnered global attention; however, it was also marred by protests concerning China's domestic human rights issues.

Protest Activities

During Xi Jinping's visit, multiple protests erupted across San Francisco. The protesters focused primarily on human rights conditions within China, particularly the suppression of freedom of speech, religious freedom, and the rights of ethnic minorities. The protesters included members of the Chinese community, representatives of international human rights organizations, and American citizens concerned with issues in China. They carried banners and chanted slogans, demanding the Chinese government cease its repression of dissidents and release political prisoners.

Response from the Chinese Government

Reportedly, the Chinese government closely monitored and intervened in these protests. The following measures were taken by the Chinese authorities:

  1. Enhanced Security Measures: Security around the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco and the APEC meeting venues was significantly tightened, with a substantial police presence to ensure order during the meetings.
  2. Information Control: The Chinese government attempted to control and limit domestic media coverage of the protests through various channels. Discussions and searches related to the protests were strictly censored and removed from social media platforms within China.
  3. Diplomatic Pressure: The Chinese government exerted diplomatic pressure on the U.S. government, requesting it to limit the protests and ensure the smooth conduct of the meeting.

International Reaction

The Chinese government's suppression of protests during Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco drew widespread attention and condemnation from the international community. Several human rights organizations issued statements denouncing China's actions against freedom of speech and assembly. The U.S. government also expressed concern over China's actions, reaffirming its support for fundamental human rights.


The suppression of protests by the Chinese government during Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco for the APEC meeting once again highlighted international concerns over China's human rights record. While the Chinese government seeks broader international cooperation in the economic realm, its stance and actions on human rights remain a focal point for global scrutiny. This event underscores the complex interplay between economic cooperation and human rights issues in international relations.

This incident provides an important opportunity for governments, international organizations, and the public to reflect on how to more effectively promote and protect human rights while pursuing economic interests, ensuring that the fundamental freedoms and dignity of every individual are respected.

