Li, Cuiyun, director of the Democracy Lecture Project of China Democracy Party National Committee reported on February 25, 2023:
Chairman of the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Communist Party—Mike Gallagher led a rally against CCP’s transnational repression in NYC Chinatown today. Congressman Ritchie Torres and Congressman Neal Dunn joined Chairman Gallagher, and each delivered a speech.
Chairman Gallagher addressed the CCP’s ever-growing transnational repression of the Chinese who are in the US through surveillance and control under the guise of non-profit organizations. Chairman stated that a Chinese-American citizen was arrested and detained in China against her will for eight months when she was pregnant. He further said that he has spoken to dozens of human rights activists and dissents, who have at least experienced some low-level form of digital harassment from CCP agents. He thanked those who stood here with him today for their bravery.
加拉格尔主席谈到了中共在非营利组织的幌子下,通过监控和控制对在美国的华人不断加强的跨国镇压。 主席表示,一名美国公民在怀孕期间在中国被捕并被拘留了八个月。 他进一步表示,他已经与数十名人权活动家和持不同政见者交谈过,他们至少经历过来自中共特工的某种低级别的数字骚扰。他感谢今天与他站在一起的那些人,感谢他们的勇敢。
Chairman analyzed why this happened on American soil. He said: “How can we allow this to happen? The answer, in my opinion, is that we have been blind, and the CCP has been very cunning. Their threat is often hard to prosecute because they are veiled. It’s sort of like saying you know nice family you got here; it will be ashamed if it is something happened to them. It’s a Mafia-like threat because the CCP acts like the Mafia. They buy our politicians, multinational organizations, companies, and in some cases law enforcement. They use muscle and threat instead of persuasion, and Like the Mafia, they are not afraid to make people disappear. But there is one important difference. Unlike the Mafia, the CCP has a much more powerful arsenal at their disposal to back up their strong arm and intimidation tactics: advanced technology, weaponry, and artificial intelligence…they are using a terrifying version of Orwellian techno-totalitarian surveillance to inflict total totalitarian control on the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region, on Tibetans, and during the zero covid lock down on citizens throughout China. Now they want to export that repression around the world, and the only thing that stands in their way is our will to defend our values. We must stand up, push back, and protect our citizens and many reformers, freedom fighters, and asylum seekers, many of whom I see here today who are taking refugees here in the United States. We cannot allow the threat that they have led to follow them to our shores here in America.”
加拉格尔主席分析了为长乐事件会发生在美国的土地上。 他说:“我们怎么能允许这种事情发生? 我认为的答案是我们瞎了眼,并且中共很狡猾。 他们的威胁往往很难起诉,因为他们都蒙着面纱。这有点像说你知道你来到这里的一个美好家庭,如果他们发生了什么事你会感到羞耻。这是一种类似黑手党的威胁,因为中共的行为就像黑手党。 他们收买我们的政客、跨国组织、公司,在某些情况下还收买执法部门。 他们使用武力和威胁而不是说服,而且像黑手党一样,他们不怕让人消失。 但是有一个重要的区别。 与黑手党不同,中共拥有更强大的武器库来支持他们强大的武装和恐吓策略:先进技术、武器装备、人工智能……他们正在使用奥威尔式技术极权主义监视的可怕版本,对新疆地区的维吾尔人、西藏人以及在新冠疫情零封锁期间对中国各地公民实施全面极权主义控制。现在他们想向全世界出口这种镇压,唯一阻碍他们的是我们捍卫我们价值观的意愿。 我们必须站出来,反击并保护我们的公民和许多改革者、自由斗士和寻求庇护者,我今天在这里看到的许多人正在美国避难。我们不能让中共的威胁来到我们美国的海岸。”
Chairman Gallagher acknowledged that it was brave for the victims to stand out today. He called the FBI from all levels of the United States to investigate those incidents and make everyone safe: “Together we will end this transnational repression. We will end this ugly affront to our sovereignty. We will make sure the United States is heaven from prosecution not a hunting ground for Authoritarians.”
加拉格尔主席承认,受害者今天站出来是勇敢的。 他呼吁美国各级联邦调查局调查这些事件,让每个人都安全:“我们将一起结束这种跨国镇压。 我们将结束这种无视我们主权的丑陋行为。我们将确保美国是没有迫害的天堂,而不是极权主义者的猎场。”
Chairman Gallagher introduced Zhou, Fengsuo, who is the president of China's Human rights organization, who was a leader of the student movement at Tiananmen and a true freedom fighter, who has spoken out for decades and was one the five most wanted in China. Zhou then introduced a victim who was beaten by the CCP’s thugs in Manhattan and was sent to the hospital immediately. The perpetrator was released the same day, and nothing was done to him. Some people in the crowd shouted out with him that they want justice. He said that this violence cannot happen here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. He meant that the Chinese in the United States have been ignored and marginalized because of CCP’s influence through trade and technology. He promised to fight for democracy and freedom and encourage more victims to speak up bravely.
Chairman Gallagher then introduced New York 15th district democratic party congressman Ritchie Torres to deliver a speech. Congressman Torres addressed that despite the difference between the two parties, the defense of human rights is bipartisan and is an American value. He pointed out that the CCP’s strategy was to implement fear to make people comply. Thus, striking fear of the CCP is the point. Freedom has no greater enemy than fear. Therefore, they have a moral obligation to stand with freedom fighters. The United States is a fighter for freedom, therefore cannot fail to fight for freedom.
加拉格尔主席随后介绍纽约第15选区民主党众议员里奇·托雷斯发表讲话。国会议员托雷斯表示,尽管两党存在分歧,但捍卫人权是两党共同的,也是美国的价值观。 他指出,中共的策略是通过实施恐惧来使人们服从。因此,解除对中共的极度恐惧才是重点。因为恐惧是自由最大的敌人。他们有道义上的义务与自由战士站在一起。美国是寻求自由的斗士,不能不为自由而战。
Chairman Gallagher then introduced Florida's 2nd district republican party congressman Neal Dunn who is his good friend and colleague to the crowd. Congressman Dunn said that the number one victim of the CCP’s repression is the Chinese people. But when CCP came to the United States and did the same threatening tactics against the Chinese, the CCP can do this to everyone in America. No one will be safe if this continued to be allowed. NATO is waking up. Thus, keep up with the pressure at home and abroad, and the voice was heard.
加拉格尔主席随后向人群介绍了他的好朋友和同事佛罗里达州第二选区共和党众议员尼尔邓恩。 国会议员邓恩说,中共的头号镇压受害人就是中国人民。 但是当中共来到美国对在美华人采取同样的威胁手段时,就说明中共可以对美国的每个人都这样做。 如果这种情况继续被允许,今后在美国没有人会安全。北约正在醒来。 大家在美国国内外要继续发声。这种呼吁现在已经听到了。
Congressman Gallagher then added that “The Chinese people are not our enemies. The Chinese people are the primary victims of the CCP repression. And we stand together with them against such repression.”
国会议员加拉格尔随后补充说:“中国人民不是我们的敌人。 中国人民是中共镇压的首要受害者。我们与他们站在一起反对这种镇压。”
Zhou, Fengsuo then introduced the leader of the new generation of China Democracy Party—Chen, Chuangchuang/Alan Chen to speak out. Zhou complained about how difficult to recruit people from the new generation to continue the fight for freedom and democracy, but Chen is an exception. Chen, Chuang Chuang is a lawyer, holds a JD degree in law from St. John's University, and is the executive director of the China Democracy Party National Committee. Chen stated that the United States government needs to fight together with anyone brave to fight against CCP, whether the person is from Taiwan, China, or Xinjiang. Unfortunately, China treated the United States as the number one enemy, which is a secret that the United States did not know. CCP is the enemy of the United States, but the Chinese people are not enemies of the United States. The United States needs to work together with the Chinese people to crack down on the CCP.
周锋锁随后介绍了中国民主党新一代领导人——陈闯创/Alan Chen发言。 周锋锁抱怨说招募新一代年轻人来继续为自由和民主而战是非常困难的,但陈是个例外。陈闯创是一名律师,持有圣约翰大学法律博士学位,是中国民主党全国委员会的执行长。 陈闯创表示,美国政府需要与任何敢对抗中共的人一起战斗,无论这个人来自台湾、中国还是新疆。 不幸的是,中国把美国当作头号敌人,这是美国不知道的秘密。中共是美国的敌人,但中国人民不是美国的敌人。 美国应该与中国人民一起推翻中共。
China Democracy Party members who participated in today’s event are: Zhou,Fengsuo; Wang,Juntao; Chen,Chuangchuang; Chen,Bingxu; Fu,Hanmin; Cui,Yong; Zhang,Xiuyan; Jiao,Yuzhu; Li,Cuiyun; Xiao,Yuzhu; Zhai,Deyun; Mo,Jiqiang; Mao,Huixiang; Wang,Dong; Chen,Xiaoping; Niu, Haoyu; Zhang,Bo; Zhu,Yingming; Lai,Qiran; Zhang,Qiang; Lin,Hai; Zhang,Xuehai; Liao,Guihong; Piao,Shanyu; Chen,Bingxu; Ni,Jinfang; Wang,Yonghong;Yang,Maosen; Huang,Zhide; Yang,Jinpeng; Shi,Yuge; Ning,Xianhua; Dong,Yongbo;Zhu,Dongdong.
今天参加活动的民主党员有:周锋锁、王军涛、 陈闯创、陈炳旭、付汉民、崔永、张秀岩、焦玉柱、李翠云、 肖玉珠、翟德云、莫继强、毛惠祥、王栋、陈晓萍、牛浩宇、张博、朱映明、赖琪然、张强、林海、张学海、廖桂红、朴善玉、陈炳旭、倪金方、王永红、杨茂森、黄智德、杨金鹏、石宇歌、宁先华、董永波,朱东东。

The congressmen told Fengsuo Zhou after the event that they were very inspired. Other organizations also told Fengsuo Zhou that they were inspired by our members.
This event was reported by the New York Post:
Also reported on the Twitter of the Select Committee on the CCP:
Activists and dissidents gather at Chairman Gallagher’s rally against the Chinese Communist Party’s transnational repression at the illegal CCP police station in New York City. pic.twitter.com/IqSAMxdPhP
— Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (@committeeonccp) February 25, 2023