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朱东东:旧金山APEC会议 抗议中共匪首习近平之感想

2023年11月28日 党员园地 ⁄ 共 3254字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论

          旧金山APEC会议 抗议中共匪首习近平之感想

中国民主党党员 朱东东




种种有组织有预谋的暴力袭击和无端挑事凸显出中共马列邪党的邪恶、卑鄙、暴政的本质。虽然我们受到多我们十几倍的中共暴徒袭击、辱骂和网上诋毁,还有一些党员在国内的家人受到威胁与恐吓,但是我们中国民主党员始终站在反抗中共独裁暴政最前方,与中共操控的暴徒抗争,我们在世界瞩目中,为中国人展示追求自由的勇气,维护中国被镇压的反对力量的尊严! 当下中共暴政在习近平倒行逆施下到了快灭亡的时刻,中国人我们要勇敢的站出来反抗这邪恶、恐怖的中共独裁政权,唤醒麻木的民众,联合一切反共力量,共同来推翻消灭它。我们是被这邪恶政权压迫奴役的最后一代,我们有责任和义务将暴政终结在我们这一代。



On November 14, 2023, the Chinese Communist Party's dictator, Xi Jinping, made a visit to San Francisco, USA, to attend the APEC conference. This visit by Xi Jinping to the United States came at a time when many countries around the world have imposed economic and diplomatic sanctions and isolation on China, and the domestic economy is in a difficult situation. Once arrogantly inflated, Xi Jinping, who is now in a predicament of further suppression of human rights and rapid economic decline, attempts to deceive the developed countries again at this APEC meeting to achieve the purpose of lifting economic and technological sanctions against the CCP. I hope the world sees through the intentions of the CCP.

During Xi Jinping's participation in the APEC conference, I, along with a group of China Democratic Party members, led by Chairman Wang Juntao and Executive Director Chen Chuangchuang, participated in the entire protest. We want the world to hear our voices, this world does not welcome the Communist Party, does not welcome Xi Jinping.

In this protest, we were attacked in turns by pro-Communist thugs instigated by the CCP and security guards hired with money. CCP thugs, disregarding American law, used the Five-Starred Red Flag as a cover and flagpoles as weapons to attack us. Many party members were injured, some were even beaten to emergency treatment. Executive Director Chen Chuangchuang and I were attacked with pepper spray by CCP thugs without any precautions.

The organized and premeditated violent attacks and unprovoked provocations highlight the evil, despicable, and tyrannical nature of the CCP. Despite being attacked, insulted, and slandered online by CCP thugs many times our number, and some party members' families in China being threatened and intimidated, we, the members of the China Democratic Party, always stand at the forefront of resisting the CCP's dictatorship. We demonstrate the courage to pursue freedom for the Chinese people in the face of the world, and uphold the dignity of the suppressed opposition forces in China! At this moment when the CCP's tyranny is about to perish under Xi Jinping's perverse actions, we, the Chinese people, must bravely stand up against this evil and terrifying one-party dictatorship of the CCP, awaken the numb public, unite all anti-Communist forces, and jointly overthrow it. We are the last generation enslaved by this evil regime, and we have the responsibility and obligation to end the tyranny in our generation.

Fortunately, US Congressman Smith and others held a press conference on December 12 to declare war on the CCP's dark forces in the United States, greatly boosting our morale.

The CCP is not only a disaster for the Chinese people, but also a threat to world peace. Only by overthrowing the CCP's one-party dictatorship can China have hope and the world have peace.





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