作者: 郝江涛
1. 习近平的极权统治:走向毛时代的回归
- 清洗政敌:以“反腐”之名打击政治对手,废除国家主席任期制,成功实现终身统治的布局。
- 全面镇压言论自由:封锁互联网,加强对媒体的控制,异见人士被逮捕或消失,公民社会遭到摧毁。
- 民族压迫:在新疆建立大规模的“再教育营”,实施种族同化政策;在香港撕毁“一国两制”承诺,镇压民主抗议者,强推《国安法》。
- 经济倒退:打压民营企业,强调国有经济控制,加剧市场动荡,导致资本外流和失业率飙升。
2. 普京的独裁统治:从“强人”到战争狂人
- 操纵选举:修改宪法,清除竞争对手,确保自己能够无限期连任。
- 镇压反对派:毒杀或监禁异见人士,如纳瓦尔尼被下毒、监禁,反对普京的记者和活动家接连遇害。
- 侵略扩张:2014年吞并克里米亚,2022年全面入侵乌克兰,妄图恢复“帝国荣光”。
- 经济困境:因乌克兰战争遭受西方经济制裁,卢布贬值,国内产业萎缩,导致大量俄罗斯人逃离海外。
1. 颠覆国际秩序
- 支持独裁政权:资助朝鲜、伊朗、叙利亚、委内瑞拉等专制政权,试图在全球范围内扶植反美势力。
- 军事威胁:普京入侵乌克兰,习近平在南海扩张军备,并不断威胁台湾。
- 网络战和信息战:发动黑客攻击,散布虚假信息,干预外国选举,试图削弱民主国家的稳定性。
2. 经济危机:流氓政权难逃崩溃
- 房地产泡沫破裂:恒大、碧桂园等企业接连爆雷,经济结构性危机显现。
- 外资撤离:由于对政府政策失去信任,大量外国投资撤离中国,造成经济进一步下滑。
- 青年失业率飙升:中国年轻人找不到工作,社会不满情绪上升。
- 战争经济压力:因乌克兰战争,俄罗斯经济长期受西方制裁,军费开支巨大,导致国内经济衰退。
- 科技和人才流失:大量高科技人才逃离俄罗斯,使其科技发展陷入停滞。
1. 轴心国的覆灭:历史的前车之鉴
2. 苏联的解体:专制终将被历史淘汰
Those Who Follow the Path of the Overturned Cart Will Also Fall, and Those Who Ally with Doomed Nations Will Perish – On the Rogue Regime Alliance of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin
Introduction: The Warning of History
The ancient proverb states: “Those who follow the path of the overturned cart will also fall, and those who ally with doomed nations will perish.” This timeless lesson warns that any ruler who follows in the footsteps of past failed regimes is destined to share their fate. Likewise, those who align themselves with declining or doomed states will inevitably be dragged down with them. In today’s world, this warning is perfectly applicable to the alliance between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.
Xi Jinping controls China, while Putin manipulates Russia. They claim to have a “no-limits” partnership, working together on the international stage to oppose the democratic world, attempting to use autocratic rule to challenge an international order founded on freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. However, this alliance of rogue regimes does not truly enhance their nations' power, nor can it reverse the tide of history. Instead, it is accelerating their downfall.
Xi and Putin share a fundamental fear: the power of democracy and freedom to threaten their grip on power. As a result, they have chosen to stand together, suppressing their own people, manipulating public opinion, expanding military forces, and disrupting international stability. Yet history has repeatedly proven that all dictators who attempt to defy the tide of freedom and maintain their rule through oppression ultimately face rejection by their people and abandonment by time.
Part One: The Nature of the China-Russia Alliance – A Union of Rogue Regimes for Mutual Survival
In modern international politics, democratic nations typically sustain their mutual interests through free trade, legal cooperation, and strategic alliances. In contrast, authoritarian regimes tend to maintain power through oppression, rigged elections, and suppression of opposition. The partnership between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin is fundamentally an alliance between two regimes that lack legitimacy at home and face increasing isolation abroad. Their cooperation is not rooted in genuine national interest but in the mutual need to sustain their autocratic rule.
1. Xi Jinping’s Totalitarian Rule: A Return to Maoist Authoritarianism
Since coming to power in 2012, Xi Jinping has implemented a series of measures to consolidate his personal authority, effectively reverting China’s political system back to Mao Zedong’s era:
- Elimination of political rivals: Under the guise of an “anti-corruption” campaign, Xi has purged political opponents and abolished presidential term limits, ensuring his indefinite rule.
- Complete suppression of free speech: Internet censorship has intensified, media control has tightened, and dissidents are regularly imprisoned or disappear. Civil society has been dismantled.
- Ethnic repression: In Xinjiang, large-scale “re-education camps” have been established, implementing forced assimilation policies. In Hong Kong, Xi has violated the “One Country, Two Systems” promise, crushing pro-democracy protests and enforcing the National Security Law to silence dissent.
- Economic decline: Xi’s policies have strangled private enterprises, emphasized state control over the economy, caused market instability, and led to capital flight and soaring unemployment.
Rather than modernizing and opening up China, Xi has pushed the country backward into personalist rule and extreme authoritarianism. Domestically, he rules with an iron fist; internationally, he seeks to expand China’s influence to compensate for growing internal crises.
2. Putin’s Dictatorship: From “Strongman” to War Criminal
Putin’s rise to power mirrors Xi’s trajectory, transitioning from a facade of democracy to outright dictatorship:
- Election manipulation: Putin has amended the constitution, eliminated political competitors, and ensured indefinite re-election.
- Oppression of opposition: Critics and opposition leaders such as Alexei Navalny have been poisoned or imprisoned. Journalists and activists opposing Putin have been systematically assassinated.
- Expansionist aggression: In 2014, Putin annexed Crimea; in 2022, he launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, attempting to restore the “imperial glory” of Russia.
- Economic downfall: Due to the war in Ukraine, Russia has faced severe Western sanctions, currency devaluation, and industrial decline, leading to an exodus of Russian citizens seeking a better future elsewhere.
Putin’s dictatorial rule has driven Russia into international isolation. His invasion of Ukraine has turned Russia into a global pariah, and his economy and technological development have stagnated due to mounting sanctions and internal inefficiencies.
Part Two: The Threat of the China-Russia Regime – An Axis of Evil Destabilizing the Worl
1. Undermining the Global Order
Together, Xi and Putin have repeatedly sought to challenge the post-World War II international order. Their key strategies include:
- Supporting authoritarian regimes: They fund and strengthen dictatorships in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and other rogue states, hoping to undermine the democratic world.
- Military threats: Putin wages war in Ukraine, while Xi militarizes the South China Sea and continuously threatens Taiwan with invasion.
- Cyber warfare and disinformation campaigns: Both regimes engage in large-scale hacking, spread fake news, and attempt to manipulate foreign elections to destabilize democratic institutions.
Their actions have not only created global instability but have also united democratic nations in opposition, further isolating their regimes.
2. Economic Crisis – The Inevitable Collapse of Rogue Regimes
(1) China’s Economic Turmoil
- Real estate market collapse: Major companies like Evergrande and Country Garden have gone bankrupt, revealing deep structural economic problems.
- Mass exodus of foreign investment: A loss of confidence in Beijing’s policies has led to significant capital flight, further weakening China’s economic outlook.
- Youth unemployment crisis: With unemployment rates soaring, discontent among China’s younger generations is rising.
(2) Russia’s Economic Decline
- War-driven economic burden: The prolonged war in Ukraine and associated Western sanctions have drained Russia’s resources, forcing the country into economic recession.
- Brain drain and technological stagnation: A mass exodus of skilled professionals has severely impacted Russia’s technological and industrial development.
Both China and Russia are experiencing economic downturns, yet their rulers continue to enforce authoritarian policies, exacerbating societal unrest and increasing the likelihood of regime collapse.
Part Three: The Fate of Those Who Align with Rogue Regimes
1. The Fall of the Axis Powers – A Lesson from History
During World War II, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan formed the Axis Powers to challenge global order. However, their expansionist aggression ultimately led to their destruction, with each country suffering long-term consequences from their defeat.
2. The Collapse of the Soviet Union – The Inevitable Fate of Dictatorships
The Soviet Union attempted to sustain its rule through oppressive governance, but economic collapse, political corruption, and widespread public dissatisfaction ultimately led to its dissolution in 1991. Today, both China and Russia are on a similar trajectory, showing signs of an impending crisis.
Conclusion: The Inevitable Downfall of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin
“Those who follow the path of the overturned cart will also fall, and those who ally with doomed nations will perish.”
The authoritarian rule of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin is a blatant disregard for the lessons of history. They believe they can sustain their power by suppressing their people and destabilizing the international order, but such efforts are ultimately futile. Dictators have only two possible fates: being overthrown by their people or being abandoned by history.
As the tide of democracy and freedom surges forward, the rogue regimes of Xi and Putin will be swept away. Their downfall is not a matter of speculation—it is an inevitability dictated by history itself.