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2025年03月14日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 5222字 ⁄ 字号 当你的祖国与侵略者、独裁者、流氓政权为伍,与世界文明为敌,你该何去何从?已关闭评论

作者: 郝江涛












When your motherland aligns with invaders, dictators, and rogue regimes, standing against world civilization, where should you go?

When your motherland aligns with invaders, dictators, and rogue regimes, standing against world civilization, where should you go? This is a profound and realistic question that countless people have faced throughout history. Their choices have determined the future of nations and have deeply influenced individual destinies.

The rise of a country does not solely rely on economic prosperity and military strength but also on upholding moral principles and gaining recognition from the civilized world. If a nation chooses to stand with invaders, dictators, and rogue regimes, it will not only lose the respect of the international community but will also inevitably decline under both internal and external pressures.

When a government’s policies deviate from justice and oppose world civilization, the choices of its citizens become crucial. Some may choose to remain silent out of fear of authoritarian repression; some may leave in pursuit of freedom and dignity; while others will resist, refusing to bow to tyranny even at great personal cost.

There are many historical examples worth considering. Take Nazi Germany, for instance. During World War II, its government pursued a path of aggressive expansion, ultimately leading to catastrophic consequences. However, amidst this dark history, many German citizens chose to resist, such as the famous “White Rose” student movement. They secretly distributed leaflets exposing Nazi crimes. Though they were ultimately arrested and executed, their courageous spirit became a symbol of justice.

Another example is the Soviet Union’s dissidents, such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Through his literary works, he exposed the brutal reality of the Soviet authoritarian regime. His landmark book, The Gulag Archipelago, revealed the darkness of forced labor camps to the world. Although he was exiled, his influence remained immense, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet system proved the power of truth.

In contemporary society, similar examples continue to emerge. The Belarusian democratic movement erupted after a fraudulent presidential election, with large-scale protests despite brutal government suppression. The people’s desire for freedom remains unextinguished.

Additionally, the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong is a modern example. Since 2019, protesters have faced severe government repression in their fight for democracy and freedom. Despite worsening conditions, many young activists persist in their cause, hoping to drive change through peaceful protests and international attention. Their courageous actions showcase a steadfast commitment to justice and liberty.

The cases of Xi Jinping and Donald Trump also offer valuable insights. Under Xi’s leadership, China has increasingly tightened political control, suppressing free speech, censoring the internet, and imposing authoritarian policies in regions like Hong Kong and Xinjiang. Internationally, China’s alliance with other authoritarian regimes has led to growing diplomatic isolation. Domestically, the suppression of freedom has sparked various forms of resistance, as citizens seek alternative ways to challenge the system.

Given such circumstances, how should we respond? First, we must remain clear-minded, resisting deception and recognizing the distinction between justice and injustice. Second, we should do our best to spread the truth, helping more people see reality rather than becoming accomplices to lies. Finally, we must seek change within the scope of safety—whether through lawful expression or by promoting societal progress—and persist in these efforts.

Beyond individual actions, international support is also crucial. During World War II, the Allies not only defeated Nazi Germany on the battlefield but also isolated it morally. In modern times, global sanctions and diplomatic pressure have become vital tools in combating authoritarian regimes. History has proven that when a regime is globally isolated, its survival becomes increasingly precarious.

History tells us that dictatorship and aggression will ultimately be crushed by the wheels of time, and those who stand on the side of justice, even if temporarily defeated, will eventually see the dawn of victory. Every conscientious citizen must ask themselves: When your motherland aligns with invaders, dictators, and rogue regimes, standing against world civilization, will you choose to be a silent accomplice, or will you stand firmly as a witness and promoter of justice?

