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(博讯北京时间2007年6月20日 来稿)

紧急行动网络 (博讯





张建红于2007年3月19日被浙江省宁波法院以其在2006年5月至9月发表的网络文章中“诽谤中国政府”和“煽动颠覆”而判罪,而他自2006年9月6日被捕起一直遭关押。张建红现年48岁,以其异议活动和大量作品而知名。他在1989至1991年曾因民运活动而系狱,于2005年8月创办人文网站《爱琴海》( 并担任总编辑,但该网站在2006年3月被当局禁止。 他还是海外中文网站《博讯》(和《大纪元》的(经常撰稿人。










有关进一步消息,请联系国际笔会狱中作家委员会的Cathy McCann,
地址:Brownlow House, 50/51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER UK,
电话:+44(0)20 7405 0338
传真:+44(0)20 7405 0339

19 June 2007
Update #3 to RAN 35/06

CHINA: Court of Appeal upholds six-year sentence against writer Zhang Jianhong; serious health concerns.

The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN protests a court of appeal decision to uphold the six-year prison sentence handed down to prominent writer Zhang Jianhong (aka Li Hong) on 15 May 2007. PEN is also alarmed about reports that Zhang Jianhong is seriously ill, and that an application for medical parole has not been considered. International PEN is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of writer Zhang Jianhong in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which China is a signatory. It urges that he receives all necessary medical treatment pending his release.

According to PEN’s information, the High People's Court of Zhejiang Province upheld the six-year prison sentence against prominent writer Zhang Jianghong on 15 May 2007, and he was immediately transferred to Changhu prison, Huzhou City. Zhang Jianhong is reportedly suffering from muscle necrosis, a condition which is deteriorating due to lack of adequate medical care in jail. On his doctor’s advice, he applied for medical parole on 31 May 2007, but there has reportedly been no response from the administrative authorities.

Zhang Jianhong was convicted of “subversion” by a court in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, eastern China on 19 March 2007 for “defaming the Chinese government” and “inciting subversion” in articles posted online between May and September 2006. Zhang Jianhong has been detained since his arrest on 6 September 2006. Zhang Jianhong, aged 48, is known for his dissident activities and prolific writings. He is also a member of Independent Chinese PEN centre (ICPC). Zhang was previously imprisoned from 1989-1991 for his pro-democracy activities. In August 2005 he founded the literary website (, of which he was editor-in-chief, and which was banned in March 2006. He is also a regular contributor to the overseas Chinese sites Boxun ( and The Epoch Times (

Please send appeals:
- Protesting the six-year prison sentence handed down to prominent writer Zhang Jianhong;
- Expressing concerns that Zhang Jianhong’s applications for medical parole are being ignored and calling on the authorities for his immediate and unconditional release in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which China became a signatory in 1998;
- Seeking immediate assurances that he is given full access to all necessary medical care in the meantime.

Government addresses:

His Excellency Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China
State Council
Beijing 100032

The Minister of Justice
Ms. Wu Aiying
No.10 Nandajie , Chaoyangmen
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100020

Please note that fax numbers are no longer available for the Chinese authorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for China in your country to forward your appeals.
Please copy appeals to the diplomatic representative for China in your country if possible.

PEN Centres may consider electing Zhang Jianghong as an honorary member.

**Please contact the PEN WiPC office in London if sending appeals after 17 July 2007**

For further information please contact Cathy McCann at International PEN Writers in Prison Committee, Brownlow House, 50/51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER, Tel.+ 44 (0) 20 7405 0338, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7405 0339, email: (博讯记者:蔡楚) [博讯来稿] (博讯


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