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嘉奖公告(Recognation Announcement)

2024年09月10日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 884字 ⁄ 字号 嘉奖公告(Recognation Announcement)已关闭评论




嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告

(Recognition Announcement)



In the afternoon of September 10, 2024, Democratic Party of China demonstrates in front of China Consulate in NYC to protest Chinese Communist tyranny and support Chinese struggle against the Communist atrocities. The following DPC members are recognized participating actively and make contribution, and hereby are commended


特别嘉奖 Special Award

崔永 陈仕龙 桂云才

Cui Yong, Chen Shilong, Gui Yuncai


嘉奖 Award

蔡家炜 蔡守奇 蔡正来 陈孟艳 陈学平 陈燕儿 陈子豪 程爱慧

程小刚 程远 邓云辰 丁汝鹏 窦海国 方琳舒 费立中 冯玺默

宫凯 韩淋 侯改英 胡璐雯 胡霆峰 黄建茂 汲庆能 姜正凯

Cai Jiawei, Cai Shouqi, Cai Zhenglai, Chen Mengyan, Chen Xueping, Chen Yaner, Chen Zihao, Cheng Daihui

Cheng Xiaogang, Cheng Yuan, Deng Yunchen, Ding Rupeng, Dou Haiguo, Fang Linshu, Fei Zhongli, Feng Ximo

Gong Kai, Han Lin, Hou Gaiying, Hu Luwen, Hu Tingfeng, Huang Jianmao, Ji Qingneng, Jiang Zhengkai


中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China



September 10, 2024

