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中国民主党,中国司法不公正观察员ruizhong he 贺瑞忠转 Meng Jiahu孟家虎声明

我叫孟家虎,因年少时在中国军队工作,被上级强迫加入了中国共产党。随着年龄的增长,认知能力的提高,越来越清醒的认清了中国共产党的可怕面貌和邪恶本质。 它成立102年,执政74年来,发动各种运动,害死几千万中国民众,中国共产党是邪恶的政党,用暴力和谎言统治和残害中国民众。在中共的独裁专制统治下,中国人没有自由、民主、平等 、法制 等一切人类向往的普世价值观。中国共产党把中国打造成了一个精神和肉体的双重超大型国家监狱! 中国共产党企图勾兑世界上其它的独裁、专制、流氓国家推翻现有的国际秩序,打造一个让独裁、专制统治更安全的世界。 毛病不改,积恶成习。自从2012年中共独裁者习近平执政以来,在国内加强了网络封锁,加大愚民教育的力度,动用巨大的国家力量煽动反美、反日、反西方!反人类向往的普世价值观的情绪!对外展示出极强的侵略性,准备武力攻取台湾,给台湾民众造成了巨大的恐慌!制造台湾海峡危机,破坏国际安全秩序。挑起南海争端,侵犯南海周边国家的主权,违背《联合国海洋法公约》,拒绝国际海洋法法庭的裁决结果。制造南海危机,给南海周边国家营造恐怖阴云。破坏地区和平稳定的局势。 俄乌战争,中共政府表面上保持中立,实际上支持俄罗斯侵略乌克兰,并且暗地里向俄罗斯提供了众多的援助和帮助,极大的提高了俄罗斯的侵略能力,这是对主权国家乌克兰的犯罪,中共政权支持俄罗斯侵略主权国家乌克兰,破坏了国际秩序,犯下了危害人类的罪行!这是世人皆知的事实,容不得中共邪恶政权抵赖! 中共政府绑架中国人民越来越走向对抗自由世界、文明世界的黑暗深渊,对世界的文明进程构成了巨大的挑战和阻碍! 共产党从成立的那天起就是个邪恶幽灵!就是个邪恶政党!向世界输出不切实际的共产主义、输出暴力革命、输出独裁、专制统治、幻想消灭人类发展几千年来形成的私有制,消灭普世价值观,妄图用共产主义统治世界,时至今日,本质上从来就没改变过,只是隐藏的更深了,让世人更难察觉了! 近年来中共邪恶政权妄图利用奴役14亿中国人所榨取的利益,来渗透自由文明世界,利用自由世界的言论自由,来收买媒体,收买策反各种势力,来操控舆论,颠倒是非黑白,给中共邪恶政权洗白罪恶,鼓吹社会主义制度优越性、先进性,来达到迷惑世人的目的!诋毁西方自由世界,诋毁普世价值观,极大的破坏了世界的和平,和人类的安全!在此希望和呼吁自由世界的的民众,万万不可相信共产主义和社会主义制度的优越性、先进性的说法!千万不要被中共邪恶政权收买的媒体所影响! 感谢上帝!自从我信仰上帝以来,我觉的上帝的光辉洗涤了我的灵魂!让我能更清楚的认清共产党的邪恶本质!上帝给了我对抗黑暗的勇气! 我在此声明退出中国共产党这个邪恶组织! 我宣布加入中国民主党,未来从事反共事业,为推翻中国共产党,消灭世界的毒瘤做出一点力所能及的贡献! 声明人:孟家虎 时间:2023年9月24日


My name is Meng Jiahu. Due to my work in the Chinese military during my younger years, I was coerced by superiors to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As I aged and my cognitive abilities improved, I became increasingly aware of the terrifying face and sinister nature of the CCP. Established for 102 years and having governed for 74, the CCP has launched various movements, causing the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese citizens. The CCP is a malevolent party that rules and oppresses the Chinese people with violence and lies. Under the dictatorship of the CCP, Chinese citizens lack freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and other universal values that humanity aspires to. The CCP has transformed China into a massive prison both mentally and physically. The CCP seeks to collude with other authoritarian, dictatorial, and rogue states around the world to overthrow the existing international order, hoping to create a world in which dictatorial rule is secure Having formed habits of wrongdoing, since the CCP dictator Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, internet censorship has been intensified domestically, and the indoctrination of the public has been amplified. They mobilize vast national resources to stir up anti-US, anti-Japan, and anti-West sentiments, challenging the universal values humanity aspires to. Internationally, they display strong aggression, preparing to attack Taiwan by force, causing immense fear among Taiwanese and leading to the Taiwan Strait crisis, thereby disrupting international security. The South China Sea disputes, where they infringe upon the sovereignty of neighboring countries, defy the 'United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea', and reject the decisions of the International Tribunal, create a crisis and an atmosphere of terror among neighboring countries, further destabilizing regional peace. During the Russo-Ukraine war, while the CCP government ostensibly remained neutral, it actually supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine and secretly provided extensive assistance, thereby significantly bolstering Russia's aggressive capabilities. This act against the sovereign nation of Ukraine is a crime. The CCP's support for Russia's invasion undermines international order, an act that harms humanity. This is a well-known fact, and the CCP's evil regime cannot deny it. The CCP, having effectively kidnapped the Chinese people, is increasingly moving towards confronting the free, civilized world, posing a massive challenge to the progress of world civilization. Since its inception, the Communist Party has been a malevolent specter. It exports unrealistic communism, violent revolutions, authoritarian rule, and aims to annihilate millennia-old private ownership and universal values. It dreams of ruling the world with communism. To this day, its essence remains unchanged, only more concealed. Recently, the CCP has tried to exploit the benefits squeezed from 1.4 billion enslaved Chinese people to infiltrate the free civilized world, to manipulate public opinion, distort truths, and whitewash its sins. Their aim is to confuse the world by touting the superiority and progressiveness of socialism. They disparage the Western free world and universal values, greatly disrupting world peace and human safety. I urge people of the free world not to be deceived by the supposed superiority and advancement of communism and socialism. Do not be influenced by media outlets purchased by the CCP's wicked regime. Thank God! Since embracing my faith in God, I feel His glorious light has cleansed my soul, allowing me to recognize the evil nature of the CCP more clearly. God gave me the courage to fight against the darkness. Hereby, I declare my withdrawal from the malevolent organization that is the Chinese Communist Party. I announce my joining of the Chinese Democratic Party. In the future, I will work towards the anti-communist cause, contributing to the overthrow of the CCP and the eradication of this global cancer. Declarant: Meng Jiahu Date: September 24, 2023.



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