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2017年05月06日 党员园地 ⁄ 共 4016字 ⁄ 字号 茹海桃:我为什么要加入民主党已关闭评论


在2月18日的晚上,我无意中在街上看到了一场中国民主党的游行。游行队伍整齐有序,旗帜鲜明,口号铿锵有力,整个场面让我深受鼓舞。我看到这些勇敢的人们在异国他乡依然为中国的民主和自由奋斗,他们的勇气和决心深深感染了我。当他们分发宣传单时,我毫不犹豫地接过了一份,并仔细阅读了上面的内容。我还与几位游行者交谈,了解了更多关于他们的活动和组织的情况,并留下了联系方式。 这次偶遇不仅让我对中国民主党的勇士们充满了敬意,也让我更加坚定了追求自由和民主的信念。

几天后,我联系了那天晚上遇到的中国民主党成员,并预约了去他们基地参观的时间。带着满腔的期待和好奇,我来到了他们的基地。 在这里,中国民主党的主席王军涛热情地向我介绍了党部的情况。我详细了解了中国民主党的历史和他们为推动中国民主进程所做的努力。王军涛主席不仅讲述了中国民主党自成立以来的种种艰辛和不懈奋斗的故事,还阐述了他们的明确目标:为中国人民争取自由、公正和民主的未来。这些历史和现实的故事,让我心中充满了感动和敬佩。 在这些天的参观和交流中,我逐渐对中国民主党有了更加深入的了解和认同。他们的努力和牺牲,他们的信念和决心,无不让我深受触动。我深刻认识到,为了实现真正的民主和自由,中国民主党付出了巨大的代价和努力。同时,我不禁回想起在中国遭受到的迫害。被一胎政策夺走的一个孩子和我的生育权,被强制流产和强制绝育的痛苦,加强了我想要改变现状的决心。于是我决定加入中国民主党,为中国的民主事业贡献自己的一份力量。我知道,这条路充满了挑战和困难,但我已经下定决心要为自由和正义而奋斗。为了追求一个公正、民主的中国,我愿意投入自己的时间和精力,与其他志同道合的人们一起,继续为这一崇高目标而努力。

与此同时,作为一名女性,我深知中国妇女在追求平等和权利的道路上面临着巨大的挑战。我希望通过我的努力,能够为中国妇女争取更多的权利和机会。我愿意成为她们的声音,呼吁社会关注和重视妇女的权益,推动性别平等和女性赋权。 我相信,只要我们团结一致,最终一定能迎来一个平等、公正的未来。



Haitao Ru: Why I joined the Democratic Party of China

In February 2017, I arrived in the United States with my two children, embarking on a new chapter in our lives. Driven by the persecution my family and I faced under the Communist Party, I decided to leave this nation. Before 2017, I had visited the United States twice and had been deeply impressed by the country. During these brief visits, I experienced the profound respect and protection afforded to women, as well as the remarkable achievements in the realm of equal human rights. These experiences solidified my decision to live in the United States, hoping to find a safe and free environment for myself and my children.

On the evening of February 18th, I unexpectedly encountered a demonstration by the China Democracy Party on the street. The procession was orderly, the flags were prominent, and the slogans were powerful and resonant, leaving me deeply inspired. I saw these brave individuals fighting for democracy and freedom for China even in a foreign land, and their courage and determination deeply moved me. When they distributed flyers, I unhesitatingly took one and read it carefully. I also spoke with several demonstrators, learning more about their activities and organization, and exchanged contact information. This chance encounter filled me with admiration for the warriors of the China Democracy Party and strengthened my conviction in pursuing freedom and democracy.

A few days later, I contacted the members of the China Democracy Party I had met that night and arranged a visit to their base. Filled with anticipation and curiosity, I arrived at their headquarters. There, the chairman of the China Democracy Party, Wang Juntao, warmly introduced me to the organization. I learned in detail about the history of the China Democracy Party and their efforts to advance the democratic process in China. Chairman Wang not only recounted the numerous hardships and relentless struggles the party had faced since its inception but also articulated their clear goal: to fight for a future of freedom, justice, and democracy for the Chinese people. These stories of history and reality filled me with emotion and respect.

During these days of visits and exchanges, I gradually developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for the China Democracy Party. Their efforts and sacrifices, their beliefs and determination, all deeply touched me. I realized the immense cost and effort the China Democracy Party had invested in achieving true democracy and freedom. Simultaneously, I couldn't help but recall the persecution I had suffered in China. Losing a child and my reproductive rights due to the one-child policy, the pain of forced abortions and sterilizations, all strengthened my resolve to change the status quo. Thus, I decided to join the China Democracy Party to help them.  In pursuit of a just and democratic China, I was willing to dedicate my time and energy, working alongside other like-minded individuals towards this noble goal.

At the same time, as a woman, I am acutely aware of the enormous challenges Chinese women face in their pursuit of equality and rights. I hope that through my efforts, I can help secure more rights and opportunities for Chinese women. I am willing to be their voice, calling on society to pay attention to and value women's rights, and promoting gender equality and women's empowerment. I believe that as long as we stand united, we will eventually usher in a future of equality and justice.

Haitao Ru


