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An Apology Edict on Behalf of Xi Jinping

2025年03月19日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 4726字 ⁄ 字号 An Apology Edict on Behalf of Xi Jinping已关闭评论

By Hao Jiangtao

Apology Edict

I deeply understand that governing a nation must be based on the people, following the tide of history and respecting public opinion. However, since ascending to power, I have governed poorly, deviating from the proper path of governance, causing instability in the country and suffering among the people. I am unable to sleep or eat in peace. Thus, I present this confession, seeking the people's understanding and hoping that it may serve as a lesson to rectify mistakes and restore the nation to its rightful course.

1. Autocratic Rule, Violating the Principle of Collective Leadership

Since taking office, I have arbitrarily amended the constitution, abolishing term limits for national leaders, fostering rampant personality cult, and destroying the long-standing system of collective leadership within the party. Power became overly centralized, dissenting voices were silenced, leading to frequent policy mistakes and plunging the nation into crisis. This is my grave mistake!

2. Economic Policy Failures, National Prosperity Damaged

I recklessly pushed for "Common Prosperity," which in reality increased state intervention in the market, severely damaging confidence in the private sector. My policy to "strengthen state-owned enterprises" stifled market vitality, caused capital flight, led to massive business closures, and rising unemployment. I misjudged the country's strength, blindly expanded, and hastily promoted the "Belt and Road Initiative," diverting massive financial resources abroad while harming domestic livelihoods, emptying the treasury, and accumulating a mountain of debt, resulting in economic decline—all due to my ignorance and incompetence!

3. Isolation and Regression, Suppression of Freedom

I should have respected people's freedoms and safeguarded the constitutional rights granted to them. Instead, I suppressed free speech, censored the internet, silenced dissent, and provoked mass outrage, leading to the "White Paper Movement." I feared criticism, treated intellectuals as enemies, forcing countless talents into exile, stripping the nation of its innovative power. This is my grave mistake!

4. Mishandling the Pandemic, Causing Widespread Suffering

At the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, I should have responded swiftly and transparently. Instead, I concealed the truth, reprimanded doctors like Li Wenliang, and missed the best window for containment, allowing the virus to spread nationwide, leading to millions of deaths. Then, I implemented an extreme "Zero-COVID" policy, confining people to their homes, devastating the economy, and causing widespread resentment. My ignorance and incompetence only added to the people's suffering!

5. Diplomatic Failures, Isolating China

I mistakenly believed that "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" could intimidate powerful nations. Instead, it resulted in global containment, isolating China. U.S.-China relations deteriorated sharply, China-Europe cooperation stalled, and neighboring countries grew suspicious of China due to the South China Sea and Taiwan issues. I escalated conflicts without restraint, causing China to lose international allies and hindering economic and technological progress. I regret this deeply!

6. Mistakes in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Policies, Dividing National Unity

I forcefully imposed the National Security Law in Hong Kong, destroying the "One Country, Two Systems" promise, depriving Hong Kong residents of their freedoms, and forcing many talents to flee, putting Hong Kong's status as a financial hub in jeopardy. In Xinjiang, I implemented large-scale detentions of Uyghur people and enforced high-pressure governance, drawing strong international condemnation and tarnishing China’s global image. I have violated the principles of national unity—this is a grave mistake!

7. Excessive Stability Maintenance, Making Life Unbearable for the People

Fearing the loss of my power, I expanded mass surveillance under the guise of "stability maintenance," covering the nation with security cameras, depriving the people of a sense of security. I abused state power to suppress dissent, triggering protests like the "White Paper Movement" and labor strikes, pushing the people to the brink of rebellion and causing nationwide turmoil. Treating the people as enemies has led to the loss of public trust—this is a crime of the ages!

My mistakes stem from selfish ambition, seeking absolute power, and using the state as my personal tool, harming both the nation and its people. Now, in deep reflection, I feel ashamed before my ancestors, the people, and history!

I Now Punish Myself by Abdicating Power

Since ancient times, wise men have said: "A dragon in its prime must know regret; extremity leads to downfall." Today, I fully realize my grave sins and can no longer continue ruling.

Thus, I hereby announce my resignation from all positions, including President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and General Secretary of the Communist Party, allowing capable individuals to take over governance to restore stability and save the nation from peril.

From today onward, I will return to ordinary life, reflecting upon my mistakes and refraining from interfering in national affairs. I hope that in the future, democracy and constitutional government will be established, that the people may enjoy freedom, and that China will return to the right path!

May the world be at peace, and may the people be prosperous and healthy!

The Guilty Man, Xi Jinping
Written in Deep Remorse, March 2025

