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永不忘記,永不放棄 ,並對抗中國的防火牆 —-8964民主運動35週年紀念

2024年06月07日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 6957字 ⁄ 字号 永不忘記,永不放棄 ,並對抗中國的防火牆 —-8964民主運動35週年紀念已关闭评论

作者: 钟山
















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"Never forget, never give up." And fighting the Great Firewall of China

----35th Anniversary of the 8964 Democratic Movement

In all my decades of Living, one of my most searing experiences came in 1989 in Beijing when I learned that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army unleashed weapons of war on throngs of unarmed pro-democracy protesters. Please forgive me for not describing those tragic scenes more.

However,in some day, I believe, China will also hail its heroes of 1989. In the meantime, all we can do is try to honor truth — often a messy, nuanced truth that still hides mysteries — and thus play our part in what the Czech-born writer Milan Kundera described as “the struggle of memory against forgetting.”

Combined with the strong rise of the CCP's big data surveillance firewall in China, I would like to emphasize our slogan "Never forget, never give up."

[Before the Internet entered China,China’s official media erases memories of June 4th, young people don’t know about the Tiananmen Massacre]

The Chinese government has long used various methods to cover up the truth and erase the people’s memory of June 4th. It once called the June 4th incident a "counterrevolutionary riot", and later changed it to "the political turmoil at the turn of the spring and summer of 1989" and "1989 political turmoil" and other terms. For many years, the authorities have adhered to the principle of "blocking, avoiding, downplaying, and forgetting". There is no mention of it in the textbooks, and they have gone to great lengths to erase this dark history. People in China interviewed on the street either frankly said they had no feelings about June 4th, or they had no idea what happened on June 4th.

[The Great Firewall Blocks Internet Keywords China ,Wants Next Generation to Forget the Tiananmen Massacre]

Since 2000, the CCP has spent billions of dollars every year to isolate the Chinese people from the rest of the world. Despite this, the CCP’s industry and information technology department, which manages China’s Internet, does not even dare to admit the existence of the “Network Firewall” (commonly known as the Great Internet Wall or Wall). The CCP established the Internet Firewall because it cannot control speech on foreign social media , so it can only rely on "building walls" to prevent domestic people from speaking freely.

It is unimaginable that in the information age of the 21st century, the Chinese Communist regime would cross the border and arrest Qiao-xinxin, an ordinary citizen who advocated Internet freedom, and persecute him for inciting subversion of state power. The most ridiculous thing is that this regime actually openly held the World Internet Conference .The World Internet Conference is held every year in a country without free access to the Internet. The venue is Wuzhen, which seems to say WU: No ,ZHEN: The truth. That's the blunt implication: there's no truth here.

The search results on the Internet are all blank, and all related videos, pictures, articles, etc. that have anything to do with June 4th are blocked. Hot search keywords on the Internet such as suppression, redress, Tiananmen Incident, Chinese and English versions of Tiananmen, tanks, student movements, unrest, 1989 unrest, Chinese characters and numbers for June Fourth, and English 64MEMO and other permutations and combinations of words. It is classified as a sensitive word. Once it is searched, the network firewall will automatically block it.

China has tried its best to erase any traces related to June 4th. For example, even a train numbered D8964, which is the same number as June 4, 1989, stopped running at this moment five years ago. I checked today and learned that this train has limited frequency and limited parking from April .

So within China, the government doesn’t so much convey its version of events as squelch any discussion of the topic whatsoever. It’s unmentionable. Hong Kong had been a repository of memory about the Tiananmen democracy movement, but China has crushed the city’s spirit and imprisoned independent thinkers like the publisher and democracy activist Jimmy Lai.

China has generally been quite effective at rewriting history, in part by co-opting language. In Chinese, the 1949 Communist revolution is called “Liberation,” the Korean War is the “War to resist America and help Korea,” and the famine of 1959-62 resulting from Mao’s policies — probably the worst famine in world history — is benignly known as “the three years of natural disasters.”

There had been some expectation that the internet and the information revolution would open up China; the great dissident Liu Xiaobo described the internet as “God’s gift to the Chinese people.” So far that hope has not been realized, and Liu was imprisoned and died in detention despite being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

So within China, the government doesn’t so much convey its version of events as squelch any discussion of the topic whatsoever. It’s unmentionable. Hong Kong had been a repository of memory about the Tiananmen democracy movement, but China has crushed the city’s spirit and imprisoned independent thinkers like the publisher and democracy activist Jimmy Lai.

China has generally been quite effective at rewriting history, in part by co-opting language. In Chinese, the 1949 Communist revolution is called “Liberation,” the Korean War is the “War to resist America and help Korea,” and the famine of 1959-62 resulting from Mao’s policies — probably the worst famine in world history — is benignly known as “the three years of natural disasters.”

“Who controls the past controls the future,” George Orwell wrote in “1984.”

Xi-Jinping may think he has triumphed by burying history, stifling Hong Kong, suppressing religion, strangling the internet, imprisoning lawyers and journalists, and erasing the truth of what we saw 35 years ago, but Chinese scholars often quote the writer Lu Xun after an earlier massacre: “Lies written in ink cannot disguise facts written in blood.”

One day I believe we will witness the arrival of freedom in the world’s most populous country. In my mind’s eye, I envision a memorial erected on Tiananmen Square to the heroes of 1989.

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