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嘉奖公告 Commendation Announcement)

2024年06月04日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 1004字 ⁄ 字号 嘉奖公告 Commendation Announcement)已关闭评论




Commendation Announcement



On June 4th, 2024, the Chinese Democratic Party held a march in Midtown Manhattan, a gathering by the Hudson River, and a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and protest against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party. The following party members have made contributions and are hereby commended:


特别嘉奖 Special Commendations

王爱娟 张潮 张荣刚 朱东东 邹玉燕

Wang Aijuan Zhang Chao Zhang Ronggang Zhu Dongdong Zou Yuyan


嘉奖 Commendations

林海 林耀 林英玉 刘昌玉 刘川 刘党岐 刘改娟 刘海蛟

刘建华  刘鹏同 刘霞 刘心雨 刘燚华 刘悦航 龙万超 吕雪意

马林 缪可 穆强 倪金芳 欧阳进 乔国强 任贤德 沈茵

盛勤芳 盛笑纯 史晓俊 宋善庆 宋鑫 苏军杰 苏永祥

Lin Hai Lin Yao Lin Yingyu Liu Changyu Liu Chuan Liu Dangqi Liu Gaijuan Liu Haijiao

Liu Jianhua Liu Pengtong Liu Xia Liu Xinyu Liu Yihua Liu Yuehang Long Wanchao Lu Xueyi

Ma Lin Miu Ke Mu Qiang Ni Jinfang Ouyang Jin Qiao Guoqiang Ren Xiande Shen Yin

Sheng Qinfang Sheng Xiaochun Shi Xiaojun Song Shanqing Song Xin Su Junjie Su Yongxiang


中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China



June 4, 2024

