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嘉奖公告(Recognition Announcement)

2023年08月26日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 853字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论




嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告

(Award Announcement)



At 9 pm on Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Democratic Party of China held its 648th, Jasmine Action in Times Square to protest the corruption and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and support the Chinese struggle against communist rule. Following DPC members participated and made contribution, and hereby commended:

嘉奖 Award

马方 周颖 丁汝鹏 毛惠祥 张潮 鲁跃建 焦瑞林 郑路路 秦晓江

陈成锦 王林 寿飞 郑振朋 张贺钏 廖桂红 李成松 王彦 王西朋

高昆逢 王爱娟 徐志鹏 张兴添 周杰 陈健章 刘川 赵骏 文梓鸿

Ma Fang, Zhou Ying, Ding Rupeng, Mao Huixiang, Zhang Chao, Lu Yuejian, Jiao Ruilin, Zheng Lulu, Qin Xaojiang

Chen Chengjin, Wang Lin, Shou Fei, Zheng Zhenpeng, Zhang Hechuan, Liao Guihong, Li Chengsong, Wang Yan, Wang Xipeng

Gao Kunfeng, Wang Aijuan, Xu Zhipeng, Zhang Xingtian, Zhou Jie, Chen Jianzhang, Liu Chuna, Zhao Jun, Wen Zihong


中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China


August 26, 2023


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