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李华平p: True Democracy will, and will only, be achieved after the termination of One-Party regime

2015年03月01日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 2135字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论


True Democracy will, and will only, be achieved after the termination of One-Party regime

Going into 2015, the Chinese Media, bowed under the tyrannic reign of Xi Jinping, starts to eulogize Dictator Xi’s accomplishment on “anti -corruption” while some make uproar that China will achieve its “Chinese Dream” soon. But, is this statement true? In 2015, Xi Jinping, the ruler of CCP(Chinese Communist Party), replaced the constitution with his own rules and eliminated his political enemies through the “powerful” anti-corruption movement. He successfully sustained his control of the “Red Generation”(the descendants of the revolutionary leaders) and protected the interests of the monopolistic corporation form by the “R.G.”; however, the ordinary citizens who weren’t exposed to the actual reasons for this movement cheered and cried for the action. They thought that the “Chinese Dream” will soon become a reality and that Xi Jinping is an “excellent” leader. In fact, Xi grew up surrounded by a group of “powerful and rich” communists, so why is his “excellent” anti-corruption movement only applied to the officials with the civilian background? Are all members of “Red Generation”, the core of Communist China, abnormally clean? Why is there a “constitutional” stipulation that stated anti-corruption can only be conducted under the direct command of Xi? Furthermore, the CCP used its political power to suppress HongKongese’ peaceful protest at ZhanZhong, a movement that urges all-citizen suffrage and democracy. The communist party of China refused to have any substantive political reform and rejected citizens’ request for real anti-corruption measures, such as an "open-book” on officials’ properties. In addition, the government oppressed and persecuted democrats, Christians, and unconformable citizens in a maniac manner. Many democratic activists, scholars, writers, journalists, religious believers, human-right personages were arrested, condemned, and so on. Chinese citizens yearn for democratic and unconstrained lives, but the despotic regime of China locked Chinese people with heavy chains and brought disastrous influences on Chinese social developments. Therefore, we need to twist into one string, begin resisting, and use active movements as a mean to overthrow the communist party of China. By then, we will truly establish a social system with democratic constitution while achieving the democratic ideals of our people and the "Chinese dream".


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