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2018年09月08日 党员园地 ⁄ 共 5617字 ⁄ 字号 茹海桃:我在中国遭受到的迫害已关闭评论












Haitao Ru: The persecution I suffered in China

My name is Haitao Ru, and I was born in a rural area of Anhui Province. Seeking better opportunities, I moved to Shanghai, where I later married and started a family. The birth of our first child brought immense joy to our lives. However, under China's one-child policy, I was subjected to forced sterilization by the government to prevent a second pregnancy. After the birth of my first child, my body recovered slowly. As a result, the CCP did not immediately perform the sterilization surgery. Instead, they forced me to take medication to prevent pregnancy and required me to undergo annual pregnancy checks. These measures were part of their strict enforcement of the one-child policy, aimed at controlling population growth. For six years, I complied with the CCP's directives, participated in mandatory examinations, and took the prescribed medication. Despite these measures, I unexpectedly became pregnant.

When local health officials discovered my pregnancy during a routine check, panic ensued. Knowing the severe consequences, I tried to flee the clinic, but doctors and nurses quickly restrained me and notified government authorities. I pleaded with the officials to let my child live, willing to pay any fines for violating the policy. My pleas were in vain. The officials remained resolute, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the national population control measures. They were uncompromising, determined to enforce the policy at any cost. The situation quickly escalated. Officials, along with medical staff, forcibly dragged me into the operating room. I struggled and screamed, but their decision was final. Once inside, they forcefully strapped me to the operating table. My wrists and ankles were tightly bound, leaving me immobile. The blinding lights overhead and the smell of disinfectant intensified my fear. Without anesthesia, the medical staff performed an abortion. The pain was excruciating, both physically and emotionally. I felt every moment of the procedure, a cruel reminder of my loss of bodily autonomy. Ending my pregnancy against my will and terminating the life of my unborn child was a brutal and inhumane act, leaving me deeply traumatized.

After the forced abortion, as my body could not tolerate intrauterine device, the government chose to keep me on contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy. However, in early 2012, I became pregnant again. Given the previous traumatic experience, my husband and I decided to hide at my cousin's rural home until I was due to give birth. We hoped this would evade government surveillance and save our child.

During this time, we lived a hidden and tense life, filled with uncertainty and fear. We carefully avoided any actions that might reveal our whereabouts, dreading discovery. To avoid suspicion, I cut off almost all contact with the outside world, living in isolation.

On August 9, 2018, my daughter Ziyan Wang was born. At that moment, all our worries and fears were replaced by happiness and gratitude. Because we entered the hospital only at the time of delivery, the staff did not inquire much, giving us temporary relief. However, the truth could not stay hidden for long; the hospital soon discovered that this was my second child. My record was quickly found by the government, meaning we would face severe consequences once again.

When I had just given birth and was still very weak, government officials swiftly intervened. They gave me no respite and no regard for my health or psychological state. While I was unconscious after giving birth, they performed a forced sterilization. At that moment, I lost my reproductive rights entirely.

This forced sterilization severely damaged my body and mind. The suddenness and coercion of the surgery left me feeling terrified and helpless. When I woke up, I was physically weak and psychologically scarred. I knew this was not just an assault on me personally but an affront to the basic rights of all women.

After experiencing these traumas, I was filled with anger and helplessness towards the CCP's policies and actions. Through forced medication, regular checks, forced abortions, and sterilizations, they harshly suppressed any violations of the one-child policy. These measures violated our bodily autonomy and stripped us of our dignity and rights as human beings.

This experience made me more acutely aware of the importance of reproductive rights and personal freedom. My story is not just a personal tale of suffering but a common voice for countless women who have faced similar violations. By sharing my experience, I hope to expose these abuses and contribute to the fight for reproductive justice and human rights, so that others no longer live in fear of state-imposed control. Only when everyone can freely choose their own path can we truly achieve social justice and equality.

Haitao Ru


