嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告
(Recognition Announcement)
In the afternoon of December 10, 2024, Democratic Party of China demonstrates in front of China Consulate in NYC to protest Chinese Communist tyranny and support Chinese struggle against the Communist atrocities, to commemorate International Human Right Day. The following DPC members are recognized participating actively and make contribution, and hereby are commended
特别嘉奖 Special Award
安强 蔡家炜 崔永 丁汝鹏 段宇弦
An Qiang, Cai Jiawei, Cui Yong, Ding Rupeng, Duan Yuxuan
嘉奖 Award
陈仕龙 董全涛 程远 程爱慧 程小刚 邓云辰 董灯城 窦海国
方琳舒 冯玺墨 宫凯 韩蛟龙 胡雄英 花小成 黄首山 黄文锋
汲庆能 李必柯 李星 刘党岐 刘建华 路健 马林
Chen Shilong, Dong Quantao, Cheng Yuan, Cheng Aihui, Cheng Xiaogang, Deng Yunchen, Dong Chengdong, Dou Haiguo
Fang Linshu, Feng Ximo, Gong Kai, Han Jiaolong, Hu Xiongying, Hua Xiaocheng, Huang Shoushan, Huang Wenfeng
Ji Qingneng, Li Bike, Li Xing, Liu Dangqi, Liu Jianhua, Lu Jian, Ma Lin
中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛
Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China
December 10, 2024