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2024年10月19日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 907字 ⁄ 字号 嘉奖公告(纽约时代广场)已关闭评论



嘉 * 奖* 公 * 告

(Award Announcement)


At 9 pm on Saturday, October 19,2024, the Democratic Party of China held its 708th Jasmine Action in Times Square to protest the corruption and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and support the Chinese struggle against communist rule. Following DPC members participated and made contribution, and hereby commended:


特别嘉奖 Special Award

李昕燕 李梓维 刘川 欧阳进 伊观朝

Li Xinyan, Li Ziwei, Liu Chuan, Ouyang Jin, Yi Guanchao


嘉奖 Award

毛惠祥 寿飞 苏朝洪 王磊 王伟 王永富 王永红 王忠强

魏双厚 文梓鸿 吴镔 吴楷 吴琼慧 谢如 徐超

徐江 徐雪峰 薛林新 杨洪岩 杨羚 张福奏

张孔松 张肖恩 郑晞 周正杰 周正乐

Mao Huixiang, Shou Fei, Su Chaohong, Wang Lei, Wang Wei, Wang Yongfu, Wang Yonghong, Wang Zhongqiang

Wei Shuanghou, Wen Zihong, Wu Bin, Wu Kai, Wu Qionghui, Xie Ru, Xu Chao

Xu Jiang, Xu Xuefeng, Xue Linxin, Yang Hongyan, Yang Ling, Zhang Fuzou

Zhang Kongsong, Zhang Xiaoen, Zheng Xi, Zhou Zhengjie, Zhou Zhengle


中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China


October 19, 2024

