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2024年10月14日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 1734字 ⁄ 字号 蒙德耸:中共是打击言论自由的最大专政独裁者已关闭评论











中国民主党员 蒙德耸



Meng Desong: The CCP is the biggest dictator who cracks down on freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a basic right that modern democratic countries attach great importance to, but freedom of speech is particularly easy to be exploited by dictators of authoritarian regimes. The CCP uses your freedom of speech to enter your environment. Then it uses the means, tools, and even weapons formed by its ideology to attack you. And you cannot stop and sanction it based on freedom of speech. If you do, it can accuse you of violating freedom of speech.

The CCP achieves totalitarian rule by cracking down on freedom of speech and democracy. In addition, it constantly brainwashes the people through propaganda through the mouthpiece media it controls, instilling the image of the CCP as great and glorious. The most evil and shameless behavior is to brainwash young people from childhood through teaching in primary schools, middle schools, high schools and universities. The hypocrisy, corruption and cruelty of the CCP are disgusting.

The hypocrisy of the CCP's reforms lies in the fact that it promotes economic and social progress on the surface, but in fact it strengthens control and oppression of the people. Although China has achieved certain economic growth, these so-called reforms are often accompanied by the suppression of freedom of speech, the crackdown on dissidents and the invasion of personal privacy. The CCP claims to be committed to modernization and reform, but in reality it is only trying to consolidate its authoritarian rule.

