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2024年09月10日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 866字 ⁄ 字号 中国民主党洛杉矶第702次茉莉花行动已关闭评论

At 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 7,  2024, members of Democratic Party of China (DPC) : Zegang Yuan, Ende Chen, Yunlong Zhou, Min Zheng, He Huang, Yu He, Juan Chen, Yifeng Su, Jingwei Li, Huigang Jia, Tenghui Wu, and Qinhao Xu.,held  the 702nd Jasmine Action In front of the Chinese Consulate  in Los Angeles, This event  protest the corruption and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and support the people in mainland China in their struggle against atrocitiesSince February 19, 2011, the DPC has held such protests. This is the 140th Jasmine Action held in Los Angeles since December 5, 2021.


 This event was hosted by Jasmine Action Assistant Zegang Yuan and Ende Chen. Yifeng Su was in charge of photography.


中国民主党茉莉花行动指挥 潘志刚

Zhigang Pan


September 7,  2024

