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嘉奖公告 Commendation Announcement)

2024年06月03日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 918字 ⁄ 字号 嘉奖公告 Commendation Announcement)已关闭评论




Commendation Announcement



On June 3rd, 2024, the Democratic Party of China held a rally in front of the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan and conducted flash mobs at famous world-class landmarks in New York City to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and showcase information about the Chinese democracy movement. The following party members have made contributions and are hereby commended:


特别嘉奖 Special Commendations

郝江涛 胡雄英 黄飞 黄志德 焦瑞林 刘川 刘屹

Hao Jiangtao Hu Xiongying Huang Fei Huang Zhide Jiao Ruilin Liu Chuan Liu Yi


嘉奖 Commendations


汲庆能 蒋全 蒋诗耽 焦同庆 李成松 李厚平 李佳楠

李军 李青 李荣林 李昇 李昕燕 李振军 刘昌玉

刘姣丽 刘亦江 刘悦航 刘哲 吕雪意 穆强

Ji Qingneng, Jiang Quan, Jiang Shidan, Jiao Tongqing, Li Chengsong, Li Houping, Li Jianan

Li Jun, Li Qing, Li Ronglin, Li Sheng, Li Xinyan, Li Zhenjun, Liu Changyu

Liu Jiaoli, Liu Yijiang, Liu Yuehang, Liu Zhe, Lü Xueyi, Mu Qian


中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China



June 3, 2024

