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嘉奖公告 (Award Announcement)

2023年11月17日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 859字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论



嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告 (Award Announcement)



On November 17, 2023, Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist dictatorial tyrant who attended the APEC summit, was leaving San Francisco. The Democratic Party of China held protests near the Chinese Communist Consulate in San Francisco, the San Francisco Police Department and the San Francisco Airport. The following party members have actively participated and made contributions and are hereby commended:


蔡家炜 顾静怡 侯玉鹏 胡国南 刘建华 王栋 王西朋 许建康

伊观朝 绍京 臧文辉 张潮 郑振朋 莫继强 倪金方

朱东东 胡霆峰 陈仕龙 刘奕江 蒋全 赵骏 郭长俊

Cai Jiawei, Gu Jingyi, Hou Yupeng, Hu Guonan, Liu Jianhua, Wang Dong, Wang Xipeng, Xu Jiankang

Yi Guanchao, Shao Jing, Zang Wenhui, Zhang Chao, Zheng Zhenpeng, Mo Jiqiang, Ni Jifang,

Zhu Dongdong, Hu Tingfeng, Chen Shilong, Liu Yijiang, Jiang Quan, Zhao Jun, Guo Changjun



中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛

Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic of China



November 17, 2023



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