嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告(Award Announcement)
On June 2, 2023, the Democratic Party of China join “The Picture Exhibition of Chinese Communist Tyranny” held by Christian Alliance for Righteousness “. Following DPC members participated and made contribution, and hereby commended:
特别嘉奖 Special Award
翟德云 韩玉正
Zhu Chunfeng, Zhang Aibing, Zhai Deyun, Han Yuzheng
嘉奖 Award
竹佳 林强 张爱兵 朱春峰 刘川 宋少华
Zhu Jia, Lin Qiang, Zhang Aibing, Zhu Chufeng, Liu Chun, Song Shaohua
中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛
Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China
June 2, 2023