
嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告
(Award Announcement)
At 9 pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022, the Democratic Party of China held its 604th Jasmine Action in Times Square to protest the corruption and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and support the Chinese struggle against communist rule. Following DPC members participated and made contribution, and hereby commended:
付汉民 张铎 杨羚 周颖 姜婷婷 张博
陈晓萍 王猛仔 朱海晏 王磊 毛惠祥 姜丹
赖琪然 周熙 黄文锋 崔永 陈炳旭 宋鑫
李振军 周杰 徐硕 朱映明 王克尧 廖桂红
Fu Hanmin, Zhang Duo, Yang Ling, Zhou Ying, Jiang Tingting, Zhang Bo
Chen Xiaoping, Wang Mengzi, Zhu Haiyan, Wang Lei, Mao Huixiang, Jiang Dan
Lai Qiran, Zhou Xi, Huang Wenfeng, Cui Yong, Chen Bingxu, Song Xin
Li Zhenjun, Zhou Jie, Xu Shuo, Zhi Yingming, Wang Keyao, Liao Guihong
中国民主党全国委员会主席 王军涛
Juntao Wang, Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China
October 22, 2022