
嘉 * 奖 * 公 * 告
(Award Announcement)
At 9 pm on Saturday, December 18, 2021, the Democratic Party of China held its 560th Jasmine Action in Times Square to protest the corruption and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist pneumonia that is raging around the world. Following DPC members participated and made contribution, and hereby commend:
徐硕 崔永 张博 朱映明 黄占元 张立新
张千金 姜婷婷 陈晓萍 付汉民 王克尧 唐棣华
董须丰 游霞 丁伟 曹伟 陈玉钗 莫继强 黄飞
Xu Shuo, Cui Yong, Zhang Bo, Zhu Yingming, Huang Zhanyaun, Zhang Lixin,
Zhang Qianjin, Jiang Tingting, Chen Xiaoping, Fu Hanmin, Wang Keyao, Tang Dihua
Dong Xufeng, You Xia, Ding Wei, Cao Wei, Yuk Chai Candy Chan, Mo Jiqiang,Huang Fei
王军涛 中国民主党全国委员会主席
Juntao Wang,Chairman of National Committee of Democratic Party of China
December 18, 2021