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Support Democracy in Hong Kong !

2020年06月05日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 1146字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论

Correspondent: Xia You
China Democracy Party protested the June 4th massacre at the Chinese Embassy in Washington in support of democracy in Hong Kong !
June 05, 2020 ⁄ General News ⁄ A total of 457 characters ⁄ Font size Small Medium Large ⁄ No comment

On June 4, 2020, more than 60 members of the China Democracy Party rushed to Washington in 21 vehicles from various cities in the United States to protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in protesting the CCP’s massacre of students and citizens 31 years ago, suppressing the mainland democracy movement, and supporting Hong Kong compatriots in demanding democracy The struggle to defend the rule of law. Wang Juntao, Chen Chuangchuang, Li Decheng, Zhang Huilai, Zhang Xiuyan, Fu Hanmin, Xie Yajie, Zhang Wanzhe, Chen Xiaoping, Wang Xiumei, Liang Zhengjin, Chen Bingxu, Eddie Chow, Li Jinfu, Zou Yuyan, Lian Shanqiang, Huang Zhanyuan, Zhang Lixin, Zhang Ming, Su Lide, Zang Wenhui, Yu Li, Chen Junzhong, Ni Yufan, Wang Hongxiang, Wang Ying, Zhang Bo, Xu Shuo, Zhang Qianjin, Zhang Hongzhi, Wang Jian, Niu Haoyu, Lei Qiusheng, Cui Wenzhe, Jiao Yuzhu, Liu Yijiang, Li Xue, Zhu Yingming, Liu Jinping, Xin Weizhong, Huang Fei, Cui Yong, Lin Yi, Shen Yin, Zhou Jie, Fan Fengtao, Xing Xing, Zhang Jun, Jiang Yunlong, Feng Qilin, Lin Hai, Chen Shisheng, Hu Hao, Daniel, Liang Shangjun and Wang Xinfang participated in the event.


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