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2020年01月01日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 4752字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论

—-1/1/2020. Correspondent: Xia You

Democratic Party of China 2020 New Year's Announcement

December 30, 2019                

On the arrival of Democratic Party of China in 2020, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all Chinese people and people of all ethnic groups in the world who love freedom and democracy. When we resign from the old and welcome the new, we are particularly concerned about the Chinese Democrats who are behind bars, the "709" lawyers and their families, and other aspiring colleagues who strive for democratic freedom or lose their freedom in pursuit of their beliefs. We hereby pay high tribute to them.
We pay close attention to the heavily suppressed Christians, Falun Gong and other believers; we are concerned about the Xinjiang Uyghur brothers in the concentration camp and the closely monitored Tibetan, Hui and Mongolian brothers. We know that if we give up fighting, their suffering today will be our disaster tomorrow. Before dawn, tonight we tormented with them.

2019 is an extraordinary year: we just commemorated our compatriots who died under the gun of the "Plastic Army" 30 years ago with the mothers of Tiananmen Square in June, and reviewed the square of the year; soon, we saw millions Hong Kong compatriots took to the streets and heard the slogan of "Revolution of the Times, Restoring Hong Kong"; At the end of the year, we heard the free school song from the Fudan campus: "Academic independence and freedom of thought, political and political networks have no fetters, no future. Far, forward, forward, forward. "Under the Iron Curtain, although the sound is weak, but the sound of lovesickness will lead to a chorus of people.

2019 is the year of the failure of the Communist Party of China: the overall economy is in full decline, state-owned enterprises are bluffing, and private enterprises are hard to talk about business; inflation is serious, and people ’s basic living needs such as live pigs are in serious shortage; ; International trade hits the wall, and the Belt and Road goes back and forth; the ideology turns sharply to the "left" and the dictatorship is well known; the outflow of funds, people think about immigration, and the people are voting with their feet. The CCP ’s anti-corruption campaign is continually on its way, and corruption is accompanied by a vicious expansion of state power.

For a country to be strong, rich, fair and sustainable, it must first establish democracy and freedom. The Chinese Democrats are the mainstay of achieving China's truly powerful and sustainable development. The Chinese Democrats first organized the party in Zhejiang in June 1998. Although after more than two decades of suppression, the Democrats have punished thousands of years of punishment. The National Committee of the China Democracy Party, which was reorganized in New York in 2010, encouraged the realization of the ideals of freedom and democracy that the Chinese people have pursued for centuries and completed the unfinished business of the democratic movement. We are not a Leninist authoritarian political party. We are an open organization. Those who support our ideas and agree with democracy and freedom are the Chinese Democrats!

2020 will be a year of meteorology. The political propositions of the Chinese Democrats in 2020 are:

Announce the property of national leaders at all levels;
Implement judicial independence and set up special "fair" courts in people's courts at all levels to deal with petitions and all remaining issues. Implement national amnesties;
Encourage the free development of private enterprises and curb the monopoly and unfair competition of state-owned enterprises. Communist Party organizations leave the enterprise;
Cancel the collective ownership of rural land, establish a non-partisan land expert committee, formulate specific policies for land privatization, and ensure the unity of ownership and management autonomy of rural land;
Increase the education fund and invest the national land tax in primary and secondary education. Change the education system, go to the education direction of "brainwashing", "elitismization" and "utilitarianization", and set up a new educational idea of ​​"taking humanity as the goal, acquiring knowledge and enlightening innovation". Resolutely oppose the installation of surveillance cameras in the classroom, announce and condemn the reporter;
Confiscate the Communist Party's property, and inject the party's property and confiscated corruption funds into the "medical, retirement, and pension funds" specifically for workers and peasants, to ensure that workers and peasants and retired employees other than civil servants receive adequate medical care and pensions;
To protect privacy, strictly control the installation of monitors and face recognizers in public places, and the government shall not arbitrarily use the information of monitors and recognizers without the permission of the court;
Stop the "Belt and Road" external development strategy and ban all kinds of "political" foreign aid funds;
Establish a round table on religious freedom attended by representatives of various religions and formulate a program for religious freedom in China;
Set up a national round table meeting with representatives of the Tibetan, Mongolian, Hui, Uyghur, and Han nationalities, review the CCP ’s past national policies, and formulate "the Chinese nation is a common country is an agreement" to lay the foundation for China's new constitution.

China Democracy Party, start again in 2020, we insist, we advocate, we promise!

National Committee

Democratic Party of China


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