DPC Statement on pro-China thugs attacking peaceful pro-Taiwan assembly
On behalf of the Democratic Party of China in New York, as well as everyone who supports Free Democracy and the non-violent exchange of ideas, we denounce the brutal attacks resulting in four pro-Taiwan members of the Democratic Party of China being taken to the hospital by ambulance on July 11, 2019. We possess video footage showing Beijing supporters beating and chasing Pro-Taiwan activists. We denounce these actions and their tragic consequences to our peaceful and democratic show of support. We demand authorities, politicians, police, and the District Attorney to join us in launching an investigation into this disturbing and violent act perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against our citizens here in New York City.
As President Cai approached the Grand Hyatt Hotel near New York’s Grand Central Station, large crowds gathered outside the hotel; some to show support for President Cai and Taiwan and others to show opposition to a Taiwanese President passing through American territory before embarking on a diplomatic trip to the Caribbean. The Democratic Party of China understands that this is a very controversial issue and it stirs intense emotions from both sides. For supporters of Beijing, its a blind, obedient desire for the reunification of Taiwan with the CCP. Supporters of the Democratic Party of China support President Cai and Taiwan because it is a beacon of Free Democracy and should continue to be a self-governing nation, which it has been for several decades.
The Democratic Party of China believes it is not a crime to have opposing views and to assemble to show disagreement. The strength of democracy comes from welcoming of dissent and different opinions. Democracy is not in the business of brainwashing the population and forcing them to think a certain way. Nor violently attacking a group for supporting an event and holding an opinion that might technically go against American foreign policy. Yes, the United States has chosen to switch diplomatic relations from Taipei to Beijing. Yet those opposed to this policy are free to express their viewpoints in a non-violent way. The same goes for those that support the policy.
Democratic Party of China does not tolerate violent interference of a group’s right to assemble and expression of their opinions by another group who believes differently. Dissent is welcomed but violent opposition has no place in our society. We believe Democracy does not thrive if people are afraid of assembling to express viewpoints they feel passionate about. No one and we mean no one should have to go the hospital as a result of being attacked by an opposing group at a rally or gathering of any sort.
Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened yesterday outside of the Grand Hyatt. Video footage shows Pro-Taiwan activists being beaten and chased by Beijing supporters. These brutal attacks resulted in FOUR pro-Taiwan members of the Democratic Party of China being taken to the hospital by ambulance. We denounce these actions and their repugnant consequences to our democracy.
More disturbing are the speculations that these attacks were possibly orchestrated by the CCP. It is a well-known fact in the Chinese community (but unfortunately not very known at all outside of it) that the CCP goes to great lengths to not only monitor dissidents abroad but also to control opinion and crush the opposition. For example, we know that parades and demonstrations by Falun Gong, a peaceful spiritual movement that has been persecuted in China since the 1990s, are frequently disrupted by CCP supporters and often by violent means. The CCP has great support in New York City and the possibility that these attacks were perpetrated at their behest is appalling and cannot be tolerated in a free society such as ours.
We, therefore, denounce these acts and we call on authorities, politicians, police, and our District Attorney to join us in launching an investigation into a disturbing practice of violent manipulation perpetrated by the CCP against our citizens here in our backyard. Should these investigations reveal culpable perpetrators, we ask that they are punished to the fullest extent of the law. Further, should it be revealed that the CCP was in fact behind these vicious attacks, we would urge the United States government to take appropriate actions including diplomatic sanctions.
Thank you
Felipe Alexandre, Esq.
Spokesperson of Democratic Party of China
July 12, 2019