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2016年01月27日 综合新闻 ⁄ 共 28105字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论










对于这个问题,我从90年代开始一直到2014年,我问过我的同学、同事和遇到过的共产党各级官员他们都不相信了,甚至嘻笑我怎么问这个无聊的问题。过去三十多年,我做过大学学生干部、中学教师、外企主管、担任过几所学校的校长,还办过开办公司和私立学校,我几乎问过所有的党员或预备党员(因为管理职务,我可以查阅所有员工的档案资料),期间接触过的,加上经过我面试的应聘教师或其他员工至少几千人,其中有两百多个共产党员或预备党员。我在闲聊时,问这些人:“你相信共产主义吗”,或“你认为中国共产党能够实现共产主义吗”“你相信中国共产党能够带领人民搞好社会主义吗” 大部分人说不相信,有个别人连什么是共产主义或社会主义都不清楚,反问我说,什么是共产主义或什么是社会主义?我又问,“你坦诚的说说,你当初申请入党的动机是什么呢”有的根本没有兴趣回答,大多数人回答“为了以后多一个机会”“为了能够当官。(因为当官能够发财)”“为了能够找一个好的工作”,“为了显示自己不服输(比我差的人都入了,我为什么不入?)”,“反正入党不会有坏处”。只有极少数人说“为了更好的为人民服务”,对这些人,我接着说“难道你不入党就不能够为人民服务吗”他们然后无语,沉默了..........






















宪法总纲第二条 “中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会。人民依照法律规定,通过各种途径和形式,管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。”



宪法总纲第三条 “中华人民共和国的国家机构实行民主集中制的原则。全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会都由民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关都由人民代表大会产生,对它负责,受它监督。中央和地方的国家机构职权的划分,遵循在中央的统一领导下,充分发挥地方的主动性、积极性的原则。”



宪法第三十五条 中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。



第三十六条 中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰自由。



宪法第五条 “中华人民共和国实行依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家。一切法律、行政法规和地方性法规都不得同宪法相抵触。一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织都必须遵守宪法和法律。一切违反宪法和法律的行为,必须予以追究。


在宪政民主国家,一般都有专门的独立机构来负责解释和维护宪法。 美国的最高法院就是这样的。而中国的最高法院,没有任何宪法解析权,对宪法以及各种法律的草拟、制定,尤其是之后对宪法和法律的解析权,实际上都在共产党手里。这就是中国司法不独立,司法腐败的根本原因。





























The Comment On The Essence Of The Communist Party Of China

Liang Qi

(Communist Party Of China =CCP)

The nature of CCP,is not the real sense of political party,but an intrest group,an illegal group.

(Of course if you do not have the thought of modern democracy and freedom,or you are a slave of the feadal society,you should not waist your time to read my article.Therefore you believe that is the CCP who defeated Guomin Party, as the ruler of China,so the whole country is belong to CCP.You think all the same is the Ming dynasty,Zhu yuanzhang defeated Song dynasty,became the emperor,and had the right to kill anyone he not like.As a slave of the Ming dynasty,you belied everything the emperor did was right,not guilty.BUT you are a man of 2015,you live in the mordern society.Are you still a slave ?No,you are a citizens of china.Washington was the founding father of the USA,did he have the right to kill anyone he did not like?Should he be against the laws ,Destroyed  the constitution of the United States?Could he be the emperor like Zhu yuanzhang?If he was,it is hard to imagine that the USA looks like today!)


The nature of CCP,is not a real sense of political party,but an intrest group,an illegal group.



After the reform and opening-up policy in the 80s,in addition to mentioned to the communism in the article of the association of CCP,at all levels of officials and goverments,bascically no longger talk about the so_called cummunism,even they dont believe that the CCP can do a good job in socialty,and have not any fantesy for the communist society at all.


For that matter,I am starting the survey from 1994 to 2014,I asked nearly all the peaple I ever met , include my classmates,colleagues and the all level members of CCP or the probationaries.None of them believed communism.Some of them even laght at me:”Why do you ask me such a question?”

In the past three decades,I always asked these question:

Do you believe in communism?

Do you believe that the CCP can do a good job to lead the peaple in the socialist construction?

Do you believe CCP?

Almost all the answers are:  I do not belive.  Some said they were not clear about what  the          communism or scocialism was?

I also asked them:“To be honest ,what is your original motivation of jioning in the CCP?”

Some of them had no interest to answer my question, and most of them answered:

“In order to get more chance of being a official,”(because official in china is easy to get rich.)

“In order to get a better job later.”

“In order to show  my obstinate,other communist members are not better than me”

“many stupid peaple can jion in CCP,why can not I?”

“Anyway,  there would be no harm for me to be a CCP.”

Only severals said:In order to give better services to other peaple.Then I would say :”Will you not be able to serve peaple if you dont jion in CCP?”and then they silence without a word.


I worked as a monitor for one year while studying in Guangzhou Teachers college,when was popular to develop member of CCP in college students,there were several places of jioning in CCP,several classmates applied for ,but I did not write in the application form,and then the brand secretary Guo director criticized me for that.He said I should take the lead role as a monitor.I refused to jion in the CCP,for I did not believe in communism,even more,I hated CCP.I thingk it would be the reason that I no longger served as the monitor in our class and no longer being the college propaganda comittee member.

My father criticized me for my rufugeing being a CCP,said:“You will not have the chance to be an official if you are not a member of CCP,there is no chance for me to be a headmaster of scholl,I have been overwhelmed for several decades just because I am not a CCP.”

On the top of the CCP asociation the sum is:“The CCP is the vanguard of working class,and also the vanguard of chinese peaple and chinese nation.CCP is the leadership core in the couse of socialism with chinese charateristies.CCP is on behalf the development requst of advanced productive forces;CCP is on behalf the direction of chinese advanced culture;CCP is on behalf the fundamental  interests of most peaple in china.The highest ideal and utimate goal of CCP is to realize  communism.

The CCP is the vanguard of working class,and also the vanguard of chinese peaple and chinese nation. Do you believe it? I don’t .Is this the real ruling principle and the direction of CCP?Who believe it? I do not believe ,neither the peaple around me.Whoelse believes that after the break-up of the Soviet communist party regime,the largest communist party in the earth? Whoelse believes that after CCP giving-up the planned economy which was completely fail? I think even CCP itself does not believe it at all.

CCP is the leadership core in the couse of socialism with chinese charateristies.

Nobody believes !Exactly speaking however ,CCP is not  the leadership core but dominate.Despotic dyinasty emperor is a man,and now dominated by a party CCP which controlsthe whole country peaple and carves up the countrys interests.

CCP is on behalf the development requst of advanced productive forces;CCP is on behalf the direction of chinese advanced culture;CCP is on behalf the fundamental  interests of most peaple in china.Who believes  it?  In one word,CCP is the best thing in the world,it also can be on behalf the sun,the moon,air,water and land.In short,CCP represents best thing in the world.

Huang Po,the street melon seller, says that her melon is the best.We should forgive her,as she just wants to get more money to supose her family.She allows you not to believe her,or you can say that her melon is bad.It does not matter .

However,CCP,as being a ruling party,it holds all the power and wealth,it has the right to arrest,even to kill anyone it does not like.We must watch out when it says that it is the best,most correct,on behalf the whole chinese peaple,represents the truth in the world.

It is no wonder that the existence of any other party is not permitted by CCP.neither even the peaple any voice of opposition.Party banned, newspaper banned, publish banned. CCP arrests dissidents even kill them.

The peaple in Hong Kong  have bascic human rights. Even if the current Hong Kongs chief excutive Mr.Liang Zhenying, well known as the underground member of CCP, if he dares say he represents the advanced productive forces,represents the advanced culture and fundmental interests of the peaple in Hong Kong,he will definately sumerged by the spits of Hong   Kong peaple.If the president  Obama,says that his party “3 on behalf  like CCP ,every american would  think  that Obama is just a mad.

I believe in God like many other peaple, as God lets all peaple equality and helps anyone to get his soul free.Maybe you do not believe God,we are not going to force you believing in God.You are free.But CCP forces peaple to believe it,and bans the member of CCP and the civil servants believing anything else.

CCP claims it is on behalf every good thing,inevitably offends God.Nothing in the world can boast such a flush with God but CCP does.Therefore we are not surprised at all that CCP has made so much disasters in the world.

CCP cheats the whole world,lying to everyone including itself,still hangs up the lies on its asociation.

Thomas Paine,one of the Americans founding father,being firm constitutionalism,said:”If a man has fell to promote something what he does not believe, then he has been ready to do anything bad.”

The words Thomas Paine said two hundred years ago, is exactly to disribe Xi Jianping the leader of CCP ,who said that he had read Thomas Paines book in Seattle.No wonder that so many powerfull officials are ready running away at anytime,when they are success to get their families immigration  overseas.

The most miserable thing is that the floor is empty and the thief still has not gone.



CCP got regime by violent revolution,whose target was to lead chinese peaple to communist society,from the first step of socialist society,the original form of communist society.CCP believes that the essence of socialism is the dictatorship by the proletariat. But 80 million members of CCP have already  became rich,they are not the proletariats but well-off class,the most rich class in fact.The so-called dictatorship of protetariat metamorphism has became dictatorship of wealthy class.And it is contradictory for the communism.

Due to the different national condictions between China and Soviet Union,there were two “great”ideologicaL trends of communism.One was Marxism-Mao Zedong thoght ,the other was Mafxism-Leninism,they both were  dictatorship of the proletariat.They think that after their success to get the power and establish the regime,they must monopoly the power,adopt the dictatorship to defend the regime.

But  one party dictatorship of the communist party  would eventually bring corrution.In  the peacefull period,the object of bourgeous dictatorship actually has been disappeared,and dictatorship is bound to have an object,so the aim of the class struggle would be necessarily ?internal power struggle in CCP.The dictator has to find out the problems where there is no problems,or has to make large problems from small ones.As a result,whether the Soviet Union or China is launched a wave of all kinds of political purges,when the officials,intellectuals and the peaple were harm or killed.At the same time ,the planned economic systems violate the social development,and cause large waste and inefficiency,failed in the end.This is the real reason of the collapse of Soviet Unions,also of chinese reform,which is forced to reform,or most of chinese peaple will die in  the Struggle and famine if the reform was not made.

Chinese reform under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping,plan-economy was gradually gave up,and turned to market economy,which got a great achievments.But still authortation political system,public participation  is still rare.In collusion capital and bureaucracy,they shared and monopoly market,lead the reform into dedormity of power-market economy,not a real free and fair market.That is why there are so much corruption and social injustice everywhere in China.I think that China has actually been a bureaucratic capilalism--”The dictatorship of the proletariat”does not exist,replaces by the “bureaucratic bourgeois dictatorship”



Above the country’s constitution CCP controls every power including legislative, judicial, administrative, military and police.  Any other party is not allowed by CCP.

Why do I say CCP is just an illegal group? Referring to chinese constitution and the laws,CCP is ilegal group.Our peaple’s congress is not elected by the peaple, and the congress has not played  the role of supervision. Is the congress itself not responsable?  No,it is CCP who makes it to be unresponsable.  CCP  deceives chinese peaple by controling the congress.  CCP  concentrates all rights to their hands,such as legislation, ruling, judical, arm and supervision. It destructs the constitution and the laws, deprives citicens’ rights, persecutes  the peaple who demands democracy or freedom for demonstration, press, speech, association and religious belief.

Now,I’ll analysis CCP according to China’s constitution one by one.

Item 2 of the constitution is:“All power in the peaple’s republic of China belongs to the peaple.The power of authority is belong to the National Peaple’s Congress and local peaple’s congress at vareous levels.Peaple manage the state affairs according the laws.”

Evereyone knows the real power is in the hands of CCP. The legislative power of the national peaple’s congress is false.National Peaple’s Congress is just a rubber stamp of the CCP.

Item 35 of the china’s constitution:“Chinese peaple have the freedom of speech,press,assembly,association,procession and demenstration.”

If you know that so many peaple convited just because of words,or procession,assembly,and demanding of demonstration,you’ll  konw wether there are real freedom for peaple or not.

Item 36 of the china’s constitution:“Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom of religious belief.”

Recently,thousands of church crosses were teared down,a lot of pastors and believers were arrested,

?many  churches  was forced to dissolve or be banned.Not to mention the CCP's persecution of falun gong has been.

I had holden a private school which has fifteen hundreds students in Dongguan city ,guangdong province in 2008. Iwas told that any religious activities were  prohibited in school,and the empioyees  were not allowed to jion in any religious organization.

Item 5 of the china’s constitution:“ The peaple’s republic of China  implements the rule of law and builds a socialist country under the rule of law.Any  violation of the constitution  must be provileged to be beyond constitution and law.”

In  constitutional democracy country they usually have  special independent agencies to be responsable interpretation and uphold the constitution ,such as the way of the states supereme court of USA.  And  for  China's Supreme Court, there is no constitutional right to parse, draw up all kinds of constitution and law, set up, especially  the interpretation of the constitution and laws, they are actually in the hands of the communist party.This is why  the  chinese  judical is independent ,absolute corruption.

CCP runs the country following his  inclinations, never goes the legal process.Every pilitical movement initiated and led by CCP,more than sixty million peaples were killed and one thousand million peaple  were hurt in these movements.

The cultural  movement was the most typical one,when even the national president Liu Xiaoqi,could not be protected by the state law,killed at last by Mao Zedong the leader of CCP. CCP governed the country by all kinds of political movements which Briefly listed as follows:

  1)Land Reform and Collectivization(1950-1953):DEATH TOLL: 2 million

Nationwide agicultural reforms took place from 1950 until the spring of 1953. In some places, the law was executed with more force than was called for, leading to the mistreatment of former landlords. In all, about one million of them were executed. Although the poster above, published in 1952, boasts that land reform basically had been completed, this was only accomplished in 1953. In all, 700 million mu of land (1 mu is .0667 hectares) and various means of production were redistributed among 300 million peasants who had been landless before. Only the areas inhabited by the minority nationalities had not been touched by the Law yet.The lands were forced to be deprived from the landlords who got the lands  even  by  the efforts of several generations.Isn’t this a robbery behavior?!My grandfather was classified as rich peasant,lost  the land and other property,critisied for a long time,finally committed suicide.

   2)Great Leap Forward & Great Famine (1958—1962):  DEATH  TOLL: 40 million

   More than twenty Millions starved to death during the Great Famine that resulted from the Great Leap Forward.

The Great Leap Forward was a campaign by the CCP that required everyone in China to become involved in steel-making, forcing farmers to leave their crops. It was a major economic disaster that led to the Great Famine, a nationwide famine that cost more than 40 million lives, and was explained officially as a “Three-Year Natural Disaster.”

Mr. Jiang, from Xie County, Shanxi Province, said: “Many small villages were wiped out where the farmers’ whole family starved to death,” he said. “People ate anything. There were deaths in every family. Dead bodies were every where. Finally, people started eating humans, including living ones and relatives.”

When the peasants were so hungry as to snatch cereals from the grain depots, the Communist Party ordered shooting at the crowd to suppress the looting and labeled those killed as “counter-revolutionary elements.”

3) Cultural Revolution (1966-1976):

     DEATH TOLL: >20 million,     PERSECUTION TOLL:>100 million

The Cultural Revolution was the most frenzied leftist period in China. Killing became a competitive way to exhibit one’s revolutionary standing, so the slaughter of “class enemies” was extremely cruel and brutal. Mao’s aim was to recapture power after the failure of the “Great Leap Forward.” It was an unprecedented nationwide exercise of eliminating human nature.

Zhang Zhixin was an intellectual who was tortured to death by the CCP during the Great Cultural Revolution for criticizing Mao’s failure in the Great Leap Forward and being outspoken in telling the truth.

Prison guards stripped off her clothes many times, handcuffed her hands to her back and threw her into male prison cells to let male prisoners gang rape her until she became insane. The prison feared she would shout slogans to protest when she was being executed, so they sliced open her throat before her execution.

My father Liang Chongkang,one of the most honest teachers,was targeted,forced to wear a high hat on which writen“Capitalist roader”to warn the public in the streets.Even the official ordered my elder sister to tie her father,as to draw a distinction to show being right.She was firmly not obeying the official,then she was expelled from the commune ensemble club.

       4) Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989):

           DEATH TOLL: 3,000 ,PERSECUTION TOLL:More than 1 million

Students were massacred around Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, after pro-democracy protets. The CCP fired at students in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989 in response to the democratic demands following the Cultural Revolution.

This was the first time that the CCP army killed civilians publicly in order to suppress the people’s protest of embezzlement, corruption and collusion between government officials and businessmen, and their demand for the freedoms of press, speech, and assembly.

During the Tiananmen massacre, in order to instigate hatred between the army and civilians, the CCP even staged scenes of people burning military vehicles and killing soldiers, stage-managing the tragedy of the People’s Army massacring its people.

I was persecuted by the communist party due to participate in the June 4 democratic movement: In May 1989, I was a senior high school teacher  in xinyi county , guangdong  provice. From may 20th to june 4th I offen led some teachers and students, shouting  slogan, posting  signs in the streets.I was summoned to the bureau of education and public security bureau . Two monthes later  I was dispatched  to a rural school in remote mountainous area .I  knew I would be got  bigger and more  persecution from then on, so I took French leave, secretly to a foreign factory in shenzhen city.Maybe You don’t know that how important the job as a teacher in the city was at that time.But I had to  give it up.

5) Persecution of Falun Gong (1999-present):

DEATH TOLL: Unknown ,PERSECUTION TOLL:More than 1 million

Chinese police and CCP agents have killed more than 10 thousands of Falun Gong practitioners through beatings and torture since 1999. The response has been peaceful protest.

The persecution of Falun Gong, a popular spiritual discipline in China, began in July of 1999 and continues to this day. Jiang Zemin gave three orders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners: “ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically.”

Practitioners have been tortured and beaten to death, put into mental hospitals, and raped. Many have been executed while their organs are seized and sold in the open market. Tens of thousands who refused to give their names are suspected to have been killed this way.

Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong was taken by police and imprisoned in a labor camp. On May 7, 2004, she was tortured with electric batons for seven hours straight. The torture seared the skin off her face, head, and neck, and she sustained severe, disfiguring burns. Her once-radiant face was left scarred with blisters and her hair was matted with pus and blood. She escaped, but was captured and then tortured to death in March 2005, at the age of 37.

CCP has never been afraid to face the legal justice, the law for them even not a"shield", but is a child's play, they even above the law, higher than the constitution.
Altogether there are three points: first,CCP has no communist beliefs;Second, the communist party of China has already become rich by the proletariat to the bourgeoisie;In the end, the communist party is an illegal interests.
If you have different opinions, no matter what party or point of view, you are welcome to discuss with me,as a democrat, I would be open to anyone who  tells  the truth. Thanks!





























  • 暴政一期:“土改、鎮反”、“三反五反”(1950--1955年)


  • 暴政二期:反右運動(50年代中期)


  • 暴政三期:大躍進(1959--1963年,共产大躍進,導致40,000,000人死亡,



五、暴政五期:“六四” 屠殺 (1989年—现在)約3千人喪生,过百万人受迫害。


(点评:中共的“三个代表”已经代表了全世界最好东西了,你们还相信什么法轮功呢? 况且    你们也太不懂事情了,人数居然还超过共党人数,不杀才怪。  )

  • 對蒙古人的屠殺
    据旅居纽约的蒙古学者清格尔图(Tsengelt Gonchigsuren)1999年撰写的长达20页的研究报告《中共对蒙古人的大屠杀》(Chinese Genocide Against Mongols)引述纽约人权组织“亚洲观察”的数字,文革中,内蒙古有5万多人被迫害致死。这个数字比上述中共官方数字高出三倍多。据清格尔图的研究推算,在中共统治下,有15万多蒙古人被迫害致死。


九、對新疆維族人的屠殺  (死亡不详,饿死不详,逃走不详)



    于中共的建党日的去年7月1日,本人在中国民主党美东总部加入民主党,并于当天成为民主党的一名长期义工,职位是:      ,负责搜集共党的迫害信息。现在将我在去年下半年搜集到的信息总结汇报如下:



          受迫害信息汇总(2015-7-1---2015-12-30)   制表:梁奇

迫害分类 信息(条)
强占民地,强拆民房 203
宗教迫害 101
任意逮捕、关押、失踪 1081
新闻迫害 40
被精神病 48
人身伤害、限制人身自由 380
酷刑、黑监狱 308
公民维权与行动 1101
不公正、不公开审判 315
司法腐败、司法迫害 206



   1)709律师大抓捕  318名律师以及部分家属被抓捕、关押、拘留或其他迫害。
































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