Observing Chinese government's oppression over Christians report of 2014
In 2014, Religious persecution and abuse of human rights in China reached its peak. During this year, Xi Jinping turned into an extreme totalitarian with the aid of Anti-corruption movement and centralized all the power within himself. Xi was well aware of the fact that the Communist China cannot unite its political party and its country with faith and central authority. Authoritarianism, distribution of interests, and eliminating enemies are his only ways to sustain the regime. The government of China and its chairman Xi were deeply threatened and frightened by Christianity’ increasing influences and by the countless people who turn toward Jesus. Their fear of Christianity contributed to the unprecedented pressure and suppression on house churches. Numerous churches were torn down; countless of Chinese Christians were taken into custody or prosecuted for joining "cult". The following documents are excerpts quote from China Aid association's 2014 Annual Report on Religious and Human Rights Persecution in China.