2016年6月11日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第278次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。 共十一位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, June 11 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 278th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to support the mainland peop...
2016年5月7日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第273次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。 共十七位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, May 7 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 273th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to support the mainland people ...
2016年4月2日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第268次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。 共十四位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, April 2 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 268th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to support the mainland peopl...
2016年3月5日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第264次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。 共十七位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, March 5 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 264th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to support the mainland peopl...
党员何滨在活动中进行主题发言。他说:自由亚洲电台报道,于去年“7.09”大抓捕行动中被以”涉嫌颠覆国家政权罪“ 逮捕的律师李和平,目前仍被羁押在天津市第一看守所内。其代理律师蔡瑛及...
2016年2月6日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第260次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。这次活动主题是关注著名维权律师唐荆陵。 共十三位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, February 6 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 260th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communis...
2016年1月2日星期六晚上9点,中国民主党在纽约时代广场第255次茉莉花行动,抗议中共腐败暴政,声援大陆民众抗暴斗争。 共十四位党员参加今天的活动。以下图片为活动现场照片。—杨莉编辑
On Saturday, January 2 2016 , at 9:00 pm, the Democratic Party of China (DPC) held the 255th Jasmine action at Time Square to protest against the corrupt tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to support the mainland pe...